Dr. Susan Fournier Feel free to chat – I’ll be with you shortly! Exploring the 1960s Welcome to Unit 6
Seminar Structure Reminders Gender Movements of the 1960s
Reminders Discussion Question Due by Day 7 (Tuesday) Assignment: Unit 4 Interview
Unit 4 Assignment Here are the details of the Unit 4 project. This is 3 pages + a title and reference page. This is due Tuesday night -- Day 7 of Unit 4.
Unit 4 Assignment (cont) You need 3 (THREE) sources used as citations (Fournier, 2012) and on the reference page. You may use the 2 readings for this unit as two of the sources. You may also borrow sources from DrF's seminars and food-for-thought posts in discussion.
Unit 4 Assignment: Your Task Interview someone who experienced another culture. Someone who has lived, worked or vacationed in a country other than your own Your Goal: To learn more about gender norms in that culture.
Unit 4 Assignment: STEP 1 Develop a list of questions that will help you to understand more about the gender norms and ideals of another culture. Examples???
Unit 4 Assignment: STEP 2 Conduct the Interview Ask the questions you prepared beforehand. Discover how gender is important in that culture. --History --Present day changes --Globalization’s impact
Unit 4 Assignment: STEP 2 Ask for specific examples of gender norms (how women and men are expected to behave). Examples??? --Similar marriage /career plans? --Is there education equality? --What’s dating like? --Progress/problems today?
Unit 4 Assignment: STEP 3 Write the paper: --Use your interview notes. --Compare and contrast gender norms (expectations/ideals) in that culture with your own culture.
Unit 4 Assignment: STEP 3 Introduction -- explains the who, what, and why of the interview. Body paragraphs – describes your findings and includes direct “quotes” and examples. Ending– Draw a conclusion about how gender has been influenced by history, culture and globalization.
Etceteras… FIVE pages long (only 3 pages of writing). Page One should be the title page Page Five should be the reference page. Pages Two, Three, and Four should contain your text. There should be THREE (3) references. You may use two of the assigned articles for this unit.
Etceteras… Take notes. Do NOT include the notes or questions in your paper. Send a thank you note expressing your gratitude for them taking their time to speak with you. --This is proper researcher etiquette!
And Now… Gender Movements of the 60s
Thinking Point 1. Women are a numerical majority in the United States. 2. Why then do they not vote as a BLOCK for female candidates for public office?
Thinking Point 3. Women are underrepresented in politics. 4. Why don’t they increase the proportion of women in public office?
Field Trip: Women Spies! Visit this link for some info about clandestine women through history! “While spies and their stories naturally fade into obscurity, women operatives in particular have been largely overlooked by writers and historians” (N.WHM, 2012) Move Over James Bond!! Click Here…
Did women actually burn their bras during the 1960s?
Click here … Myth or Reality… Burning Boost-ee-ays???
Did a burning BRA spark a movement?
Bras Afire?
How are Social Movements related to one another?
Can you think of 2 (or more) movements that are related today?
Example: Technology & Social Networking Example: Politics & Fundraising
What about the 1960s? Do you suppose the women’s movement was related to the other movements back then?
What other movements might have been related or intertwined?
How might Woodstock have been related to politics and the war?
What similarities are there between the women’s movement and the civil rights movement?
What differences are there between the women’s movement and the civil rights movement?
Is there a formal feminist movement today?
What sorts of issues were women fighting for in the 1960s? T oday?
Is there a civil rights movement today? Is this any different from the 1960s? How?
Does an African-American president mean that the civil rights movement is over?
What does “civil rights” mean today?
How has the movement changed/expanded since the 1960s?
Women’s Rights Now? Civil Rights Now? Women’s Rights Now? Civil Rights Now?
The right to not be segregated and despised because of your color The right to vote and be represented by someone like yourself
The right to protest without being labeled a subversive
The right to equal access to education, housing and jobs without regard to race or gender
The right to be left alone, to privacy and control over your own body
The right to love whom you want, when you want and how you want
You needn’t agree. You don’t have to change your views. All I ask is that you think. And respect the differences between one another. We are the legacy of the 1960s…
Questions? Ask away!
End of Seminar Next unit… Gender and the Media!! Have a great week! --Dr Fournier