Basic Rules for Test Taking Success Adelita G. Cantu, PhD, RN
Rule 1: Know the Parts of a Test Question & How to Read Them A background statement A stem A list of options (keyed response & distractors) Need all to make the best choice
Rule 2: Read the Question Carefully Before Looking at the Options, Identify Key Words in the Stem The stem is the heart of the item Look for key words there Common error is to miss the word except, best, always, never, etc Key words are primary, first, initial, early, most important, except
Rule 3: Identify Theme of the Item & Base it on Information Provided in the Stem Don’t jump to conclusions; never assume information that is not given What is appropriate for one patient; may not be appropriate here
Rule 4: Answer Difficult Questions by Eliminating Obviously Incorrect Responses First Then select the best of the remaining options This will help sharpen your focus If all seem right, skip it and return to it later
Rule 5: Select Responses That Are Therapeutic Select responses that communicate acceptance Eliminate bizarre, inappropriate & punitive responses Use as a guide the principles of interpersonal & therapeutic relationships “accept the patient as he or she is”
Rule 6: Know the Basic Principles That Guide the Practice of Nursing Nursing process Accept the patient Safety Education Therapeutic communication & actions
Rule 7: Look for Patterns in Your Performance Analyze your test taking behaviors Establish strategies to correct Common ones are: read into question; used incorrect rationale for selecting response; changed the answer; missed the key word, & did not read all distractors
Rule 8: Manage Your Time Effectively During Test Taking Think one minute per question (practice) Stop distractors Don’t worry about people finishing early, this is not a race! Concentrate on yourself
Rule 9: Do Not Change Answers Without Good Reason or Sound Rationale Your 1 st instinct is usually logical & systematic Deciding to change is usually driven by anxiety & nervousness rather than sound, rational thought Are you a second guesser?
Rule 10: Choose Option That Are Within the Realm of Nursing Nursing & physician judgment Action oriented questions are based on clinical situations that require nursing judgment