Adventures in Test Preparation Prepared by Margaret Polly Claborn, RN, MSN, PNP Fall 2009
Prepare for Success All adventures begin with preparing for the experience
Are you thinking realistically about how to study Are you managing your study time effectively Do you study at a time and in an environment conducive for your learning Do you analyze your performance on returned tests for future application
Preview before Class Adventures require knowledge about the destination
Are you following your course syllabus to discover the relevant information to be taught for the day’s class In your textbook are you looking at chapter headings, keywords, diagrams, and the chapter summary Are you looking up definitions for keywords you do not know or do not understand Do you come to class with questions you want to the answer
Read/Take Notes Adventurers take all the data and information learned to make a plan for success
Are you using a formal note taking system such as Cornell during lectures Do you listen actively in the class Do you find answers to your questions outside of the classroom Do you synthesize your lectures and reading assignments
Review Adventures take time to determine what has been accomplished and what paths to take next to reach their destination
Are you taking time to identify gaps or misunderstandings you may have after a class or an assignment Do you clarify your gaps or misunderstandings with reliable resources Do you take time to summarize the main concepts of the class and put them into your own words
Organize Adventurers organize to overcome challenges on the way to their destination
Do you create study tools for yourself – Outlines – Charts – Tables – Concept maps – Diagrams Do you consider conceptual similarities, differences, themes, cause/effect Do you recall Creation is the highest level of learning
Self-Test Adventurers will practice difficult maneuvers, talk out potential options, and integrate knowledge from prior adventures.
Do you complete as many practice problems as possible when studying Do you enhance your long-term memory paths with active learning strategies such as flashcards, mnemonics, games, and practice test questions Do you use your problem-solving skills to apply your knowledge to prepared case studies, critical thinking questions, and outside class assignments
Testing Adventurers are tested along the way to arrive at the destination
Do you take actions to reduce your anxiety prior to a test Do you think as clearly as possible regarding what you know Do you follow test taking strategies
You have arrived! Adventurers never give up and are constantly preparing for the next adventure (test)!