Monday, September 9, 2013 GOAL: Today we will be able to practice test taking strategies, organize our assignments and get help on difficult assignments. AGENDA: Answer POD -Update HW board -Pass out Journal -Finish old tests/quizzes -Get HW help -Have binder checked (if not 100% last week) -Progress Check REMEMBER: Lesson Wednesday, HW due Wednesday
Monday, September 9, 2013 POD – American History End of Course Exam
Tuesday, September 10, 2013 GOAL: Today we will be able to practice test taking strategies, organize our assignments and get help on difficult assignments. AGENDA: Answer POD -Update HW board -Finish old tests/quizzes -Get HW help -Progress Check -1-on-1 reading tests REMEMBER: Lesson Wednesday, HW due Wednesday
Tuesday, September 10, 2013 – OGT MATH A student scores 74, 87, 68, 63, 76 on his last five exams. His teacher will drop the lowest grade to compute the student's average. What is the student’s average in the class?
Wednesday, September 11, 2013 GOAL: Today we will be able to identify the 10 traits of self- advocates and practice finding them in real life. AGENDA: Answer POD -Update HW board -Check HW (completion Grade) -Fill out guided notes -Case Scenarios with small groups -HW
Wednesday, September 11, POD WRITING PROMPT Five years from now I will be… _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Ten Traits of Self-Advocates 1. Acceptance 2. Disclosure 3. Understanding of Learning Style 4. Understanding of “other issues” 5. Anticipate your environment 6. Know your rights & responsibilities 7. Knowledge of your needs 8. Flexibility 9. Know where & how to get support 10. Plan Ahead
Homework Using your web from last week, I want you to use the 10 traits we talked about to label each of the examples you came up with. For example, if you said “ask questions at school” that would be an example of “Knowing your needs.”
Thursday, September 12, 2013 GOAL: Today we will be able to practice test taking strategies, organize our assignments and get help on difficult assignments. AGENDA: Answer POD -Update HW board -Finish old tests/quizzes -Get HW help -Progress Check -1-on-1 reading tests REMEMBER: HW due Wednesday, Journal due TOMORROW
Thursday, September 12, POD Create a Punnett Square to answer the following:
Friday, September 13, 2013 GOAL: Today we will be able to practice test taking strategies, organize our assignments and get help on difficult assignments. AGENDA: -Answer POD -Update HW board -Turn in Journal -Have Agenda Checked -Finish old tests/quizzes -Get HW help
Part A What does the word vanity mean in these lines from the text “ Daedalus and Icarus ” ?“ Proud of his success, the foolish Icarus forsook his guide, and, bold in vanity, began to soar ” a. arroganceb. fearc. heroismd. enthusiasm Part B Which word from the lines of text in Part A best helps the reader understand the meaning of vanity? Friday, September 13, POD