Step #1 Matching ©Dr. B. C. Paul 2000 revised 2008 Note many of the ideas expressed in these slides can be found in Surface Mining Manuals, the Book Surface Mining Equipment or publications by Caterpillar Equipment Company. The Slides contain equipment specifications from the Caterpillar Performance Handbook and screenshots from the FPC program by Caterpillar Equipment Company.
More Step #1 l Make a First Pass with Conceptual - Feel Adjustments to decide where to start l Material Characteristics often favor one type of loader or truck l Mine grades and distances often restrict best truck choice l Sensitivity of organization to capital and operating costs will push toward one machine or another
Example of Conceptual First Pass Match l Quarry Mining Dolomite l Heavy lumpy rock not a good match for any bottom dump configurations Suggests a rear dump truck l Quarries usually have steep haul roads but limited distance favors a high power to payload points to Rear Dump Model
Can Usually Match Capital Preference During Conceptual Phase l This is a Quarry l Most Quarries Require great equipment mobility and shifting l They maintain bench networks in active areas l They don’t handle fixed infrastructure in pit well l They tend to limit capital investments l Suggests a Truck - FEL fleet
Step #1 Gets Quantitative l After Visualization comes three critical Quantitative Checks l #1 Match the Truck to the Material l #2 Match the Truck to the Mine Layout l #3 Match the Truck to the Loader (of visa-versa)
Need to Match Material to Truck l Trucks have both a volume and a weight limit l Consider Komatsu HD785-3 weight limit is 86 tons volume limit is 69 cubic yards heaped l Dolomite breaks into odd shape chunks that give a lot of air space
Truck Specifications From Manufactures Handbooks
The Meaning of Swell (No it doesn’t always mean things are great) l Tendency of material to break and pick up air space is called swell Most materials will have an in place density Will also have a swelled density If volume increases 40% say we have 40% swell Density Swelled = In Place Density/ 1.4 l Don’t get # mixed up
Example of Materials Table from Cat
Matching Material l Check the Dolomite against the Komatsu HD lb/Yd 3 * 69 yd 3 / 2000 lb/ton = 89.7 tons l But the Weight Limit is 86 tons Truck is weight limited because full volume is hard to use l Can generally overload 5% would allow 90 tons but pushing it
Another Example l Try a Cat 789 for Coal Haulage Truck is rated for 195 tons 137 yd 3 heaped l Loose Coal is about 1600 lbs/yd 3 l 1600 * 137 / 2000 = tons l Volume is filled before weight limit is reached - Volume Limited
Multi-bed Option l Cat 789 can be ordered with a larger bed 157 yd3 optional bed l 1600 * 157 /2000 = 126 tons l Still Very Volume Limited l Manufactures Often Have special models optimized to try to balance both - Cat Quarry Trucks are example
Match the Truck to Pit Geometry l Length - Steepness and profile are important Lot has been done in visualization l In life there is matching of road to vehicles Spacing - rise and fall banking or turns and sharpness Road base l Only Briefly in this Class - too Civil
Checking Turn Sharpness l Terex 3311E 94 ton truck Wheels have turning radius of 35 feet Frame has radius of 40 feet Watch cause manufactures list spec differently l Tells about switch backs l May also be significant in loading area May need to pick a loading arrangement and check the room
Matching Truck and Loader l Three Major Checks # passes check loading height check loader and material Check l Also review compatibility of loading layout and equipment to pit and objectives
# of Passes l # of passes guidelines based on experience with where optimum often lies l Cable Shovels (3 to 4 passes) l Hydraulic Shovels (4 or 5 passes) l FEL (4 to 6 passes) l Backhoes (often 5 to 7 passes)
Go to The Fleet Selection Tab of FPC I can start out by Naming my first Trial fleet And inputting a Description I will then select the Add Hauler Button
The Select Hauler Screen Comes Up Program Allows you To input any machine Or modified machine -Easiest thing is to use Cat machines already In the program Need to choose what Kind of machine – Hmm – maybe a Truck?
A Wish List of Machines Comes Up Lets say I’m thinking A 5 million ton per Year quarry
Guessing Out of the Blue l I want a reasonable number of trucks l I want my production l Begin with a cycle time guess You know about how far things are and have probably seen a truck drive before My silly guess will be 20 minutes
Guestamation Circle l I have 1800 hours per year At 50 minutes per hour that’s about 1500 hour working time At 20 minutes per trip that’s about 4500 trips per year l If I guess about 85% availability and 90% utilized of available About 3450 trips/truck year
Continuing my Guestamation l If I have a 20 minute cycle time and a truck load time around 3 minutes About six trucks per loader I’ll guess 6 trucks l 6 trucks making 3450 trips each is 20,700 trips l 5 million tons over 20,700 trips is 241 tons That’s a bit big for a quarry Maybe 120 ton trucks will be more reasonable
Things to Notice l Most calculations involve a circle of guessing checking and refining l I want to make a guess at a truck size I used a rough estimate (which happens to indicate I knew what calculations would come next) Some people compare to existing operations they know
Lets Go Shopping for a Truck Hows about a Cat 785 for about 150 tons (click on to highlight) Then click OK
It Immediately Fills Out the Screen for Me
Filling Out a Couple of Items I’ll give a starting Guess on the # of Trucks - 10 I assumed 85% availability There are other things To fill out but I Will defer them for Now.