REVISED! {September 18, 2015} Welcome & Understanding the Exit Exam Math COE, Part II
9/18/2015 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 2 Welcome Educators ! Our Webinar will address: Choosing Tasks for a Student Collection Selection Options Getting started on an exit exam collection Negotiating the eCOE system Scoring the Exit Exam COE: rubric; template; & Score Reports Instructional Materials Additional Resources for Educators Q & A Contact Information
Selecting your Exit Exam COE Tasks A COE Math collection must meet the following requirements: The collection consists of exactly four tasks chosen from the inclusion bank. All collections include one on-demand task chosen from either Task category 2 or Task category 4 of the inclusion bank. The remaining three tasks are extended-time which are chosen from the other three Task categories other than the category of the one on-demand task. Students will complete all tasks online on the eCOE except for graphing questions which will be printed. 9/18/2015 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 3
Guiding Students with Task Selections Review the Standards & Claims for instruction & selection- choose one version for each of the four tasks 9/18/2015 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 4 TASKClaimVersion AVersion BVersion CVersion D 1 1A-CED.1 N-Q.1 1A-CED.2 A-CED.1A-CED.2 2N-Q.2N-Q.3A-SSE.1a/b 3A-REI.1 4F-LE.1a/b/cF-LE.2F-LE.3F-LE.5 2 1F-IF.1 1A-REI.12 1A-REI.11 A.REI.11A-REI.11 2 A-REI.6 OR A-CED.3/4 A-REI.6 A-REI.5 OR A-CED 3/4 A-REI.6 3A-REI.5 A-REI.6A-REI.5 3 1F-IF.7a/eS-ID.2A-REI.3 1 S-ID.3F-IF.4 2F-IF.2 F-IF.4F-IF.6 3F-BF.3F-IF.9 F-BF.3 4S-ID.1/5F-BF.1b S-ID 6a/6c 4 1F-IF.6F-IF 7a/eF-IF.7a/eF-IF.9 1F-IF.5F-IF.3 1 F-IF.5 2S-ID.7 S-ID.9 3A-REI.10
Exit Exam COE Inclusion Bank Titles Choose version for each task numeric category TASKVersion AVersion BVersion CVersion D 1 Biscuit & Gizmo Website Challenges Summer Sizzle “The Food Truck” Leavenworth Landscaping 2 Pacific Beach Bill’s Espresso Stand Musical Theatre Madness Career Choices 3 Managing A Plant Farm Dapper Dresses Summer Sun Swim Center Fastpitch! 4 School Road Trip Dogs Love Carrots Splash ParkTJ’s Construction Company 9/18/2015 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 5
Provide Direction for Task Selection Students should review summaries and find one of interest! 9/18/2015 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 6
Getting Started: Select All Tasks Upfront All student selections are made BEFORE access to the system opens to the student. Once made student selections are set for the collection the tasks cannot be changed. ◦ Teachers should review available information to ensure selection of the best set of tasks for student compilation and submission. Students only work on and/view those tasks that they have selected. Students have an opportunity with this inclusion bank to submit four different collections. An original collection and up to three subsequent collections if they do not meet proficiency. 9/18/2015 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 7
Possible Student Selection Exit Exam Math COE TaskVersion AVersion BVersion CVersion D 1 Biscuit & Gizmo 1A 2 Bill’s Espresso Stand 2B ON DEMAND 3 Summer Sun Swim Center 3C 4 TJ’s Construction Company 4D 9/18/2015 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 8
Student Declaration at Initial Sign In 9/18/2015 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 10
A Look at the eCOE when tasks have been selected 9/18/2015 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11
Exit Exam Math COE On-Demand Task What is new? Only one on-demand task is required for the collection. The on-demand task must be selected from either Task category 2 or 4 Students are not asked claim 4 questions as part of an on-demand work sample. Students may do the Exit Exam Math COE in two parts. It is recommended to be the last task submitted in a student collection. 9/18/2015 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 12
Educators must monitor eCOE access No access permitted for students who are not in class for any COE task extended or on-demand 9/18/2015 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 14
Student ‘tools’ for the online system The only “tool” for the online part of the assessment is the student equation editor. This equation editor pops up on every question for every COE task. The student can simply write text in the box OR the student can use the editor to write different math functions including: equations; inequalities; exponential, quadratic; and more. The student equation editor will enable a student to complete all questions on the assessment. Similar to the Smarter Balanced, no other tools are allowed. 9/18/2015 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 15
Student Equation Editor The student editor is available for every online question 9/18/2015 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 16
Student tools for the graphing questions Students are required to use a straight edge for all graphing questions as appropriate. Students may use a graphing calculator for any graphing questions. NO OTHER TOOLS ARE ALLOWED. 9/18/2015 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 17
Graphing Questions are paper based These are secure assessment materials 9/18/2015 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 18
Scoring the Collection- Everything scored and counts to final possible score of 40 points TASKVersion AVersion BVersion CVersion D 1 A-CED.1 (2 points) A-CED.2 (2 points) N-Q.2 (2 points) A-REI.1 (2 points) F-LE.1a/b/c (2 points) 2 F-IF.1 (2 points) A-REI.12 (2 points) A-REI.11 (2 points) A-REI.6 (2 points) A-REI.5 (2 points) 3 A-REI.3 (2 points) S-ID.3 (2 points) F-IF.4 (2 points) F-IF.9 (2 points) F-BF.1b (2 points) 4 F-IF.9 (2 points) F-IF.3 (2 points) F-IF.5 (2 points) S-ID.9 (2 points) A-REI.10 (2 points) 9/18/2015 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 19
Exit Exam Math COE Cut Score Cut-scores for the Exit Exam Math COE will be set during summer 2016 upon conclusion of the first administration. 9/18/2015 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 21
Score Report for COE Students overall scores will be generated from performance on all tasks that totals a possible 40 points. Additionally – ◦ Students will receive claim information as points earned versus total possible. Claims reported will be: ◦ Claim 1 ◦ Claims 2 & 4 combined ◦ Claim 3 9/18/2015 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 22
Mathematics COE Moodle visit the moodle: 9/18/2015 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 23
Exit Exam Math COE Instructional Tasks Now Available! Ready to download and use in the classroom! On the Moodle: Creatures from Beyond 1A Running for Fun 1C Usain Bolt 1D Summer Sightseeing 2B 9/18/2015 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 24
Instructional Materials Include Task ready for student use – Blank task that students can work on. Instructional tasks are templated like inclusion bank tasks to include five questions with standards and claims to match any task in the same group and version. Student exemplar – An expected student response that would earn full credit (all points) on the task specific rubric Task Specific Rubric – A rubric developed for the instructional tasks detailing how trained scorers will assign points to student responses. 9/18/2015 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 25
More instructional tasks planned for release later this fall 9/18/2015 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 26
Exit Exam COE Instructional Support Webinar Will feature Exit Exam COE instructional support materials Will focus on Educator use of materials in the classroom Scheduled for September 30, /18/2015 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 27
Questions and Answers The link for the webinar will be available on the COE webpage on the training channel. Any questions raised during the webinar will be compiled into a Q and A that will be posted along with the recorded webinar and PPT. If you have questions please share them with us. 9/18/2015 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 28
Contact Information Contact at OSPI: Phone: Technical Support with the eCOE system: Our Vendor COE ESD #113 Phone contact: /18/2015 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 29