20% of our nation’s youth don’t have caring adult in their lives.
Over 7,000 children in the United States are mentored and prayed for by KIDS HOPE USA programs like ours.
Praise God for our Mentors and Prayer Partners! Over 7,000 children in the United States are mentored and prayed for by KIDS HOPE USA programs like ours.
Praise God for our Mentors and Prayer Partners! Thank you for your selfless service! Over 7,000 children in the United States are mentored and prayed for by KIDS HOPE USA programs like ours.
According to their teachers, 98% of KIDS HOPE USA children benefit from being mentored.
KIDS HOPE USA Mentors feel their student’s greatest needs are academics and self-esteem.
Studies have shown that mentoring benefits a student by increasing school performance and positively affecting attitudes, behavior and peer relationships.
KIDS HOPE USA Mentors and Prayer Partners report that the top two reasons they chose to volunteer were to make a difference in someone’s life and to put their faith into action.
In a recent survey of over 800 KIDS HOPE USA Mentors, 85% felt like they were making a difference in the life of the child they mentored.
They ARE!
The top reasons given for not mentoring include lack of time, never being asked, and not knowing how to start.
Can you make the time?
It’s easy to start. Our church has the plan.
Can you make the time? It’s easy to start. Our church has the plan. Consider yourself asked.