Great Wall of China By: Gianna Capobianco
Chinese against Mongols TTTTook place in Qin Dynasty CCCChinese and the Mongols didn’t have the best relationship MMMMongols didn’t invite Chinese to government MMMMongols did invite most of Asia though
Qin Shi Huang Emperor Qin Shi Huang over heard about an attack to be planned on China from the Mongols He told citizens, that he would build a wall to protect all of China Book- burner didn’t want anyone smarter than him Very strict tyrant
Shan Yu Was in the movie Mulan In a group called the Huns Known as The Blue Wolf of Mongolia Mongols were citizens of Mongolia Evil participant in Huns
The process Took all the prisoners out of jail Had 100 million people work on it 100 people died each month The base camps Took 10 years to build
Wall Geography The wall was about 4,000 miles long From the tip of Florida to the North Pole Is from Shanhaiguan (north) to Giayuguan (south)
When it was built Once the wall was built Mongol’s came They breached the wall A little destruction but still stayed up Chinese defeated the Mongols
FUN FACTS U.S. historical connection to the Great Wall- 1972,Richard Nixon 1 st U.S. president invited to visit Great Wall
Fun Fact #2 CT historical connection to Great Wall- 1979, Connecticut Falcons World Champion Women's professional fast pitch softball league Invited to visit China and Great Wall
Credits Tim McNeese, The Great Wall Of China, Lucent books INC, San Diego California 1997 Lesley A Dutemple, The Great Wall Of China, Lerner Publications Company,Minneapolis 2003 Mr.Cayer for letting me choose this topic Mrs. Boyd for helping me with everything The Zupkus family for lending all these wonderful decorations And to all of you for listening! THANK YOU!