How we move on…. 1
Acts 2:42 ‘they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.’ (ESV) 2
We have been concentrating on Prayer Prayer is an integral part of our walk with the Lord – as individuals and as church 3
How did the Apostles move on after Pentecost? They devoted themselves to: – Teaching (doctrine) Fellowship Breaking of bread Prayer 4
What followed…..? Awe (or fear) came upon the people Signs and wonders were done Common sharing of possession Praise of God Salvation to many 5
How did it all start…..? With the Apostles’ Doctrine 6
Where did the Apostles get their doctrine from? Jesus! “…teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” 7
Always we come back to Jesus…. We can’t separate out Jesus from all these activities….. * We can’t have doctrine without Jesus… * We can’t have fellowship without Jesus…. * We can’t have Communion without Jesus… We can’t have prayer without Jesus… 8
It works the other way around as well!! * We can’t have Jesus without doctrine… * We can’t have Jesus without fellowship…. * We can’t have Jesus without Communion… * We can’t have Jesus without prayer… 9
Why is this so important? Because it is only through Jesus that we are reconciled back with our Father in Heaven 10
That’s how we move on…. 11
In Jesus! 12
Back into our Father’s embrace! 13