6 - 1 Special Policy Provisions and Riders Term riders Any type of term rider can be added to a base permanent policy Increasing, decreasing or level term Principal advantage – no separate policy is additional fees Used when a temporary need above the base policy is required Rider may be converted into a permanent forma coverage Within a specified period Without evidence of insurability Check current term rates and level as well as the maximum guaranteed rate Chapter 6 Tools & Techniques of Life Insurance Planning
6 - 2 Special Policy Provisions and Riders Limitation riders War rider Insurance will not be paid in the event of death due to war or acts of war Aviation rider Excludes payments of death benefits in the event of death as a results of a plane crash Unless on a regularly scheduled commercial airline flight Hazardous occupation or aviation rider Companies will not issue policies to persons who engage in hazardous occupations Exclude death benefits if death occurs as a direct result of practicing the occupation or engaging in the avocation Chapter 6 Tools & Techniques of Life Insurance Planning
6 - 3 Special Policy Provisions and Riders Hazardous occupation or aviation rider Examples – Hazardous Occupations Astronaut Skydiver Skyscraper window cleaner Examples – High risk avocations Skydiving Scuba diving Race car driving Limited benefit period rider Death benefits limited to a return of premiums paid if death occurs within a certain period of time after the policy was issued Chapter 6 Tools & Techniques of Life Insurance Planning
6 - 4 Special Policy Provisions and Riders Limited benefit period rider (cont'd) Policy issued with this rider when insured has a pre-existing health condition Cost of living riders Term insurance rider that automatically increases coverage each year, or every few years Increases based on the CPI No evidence of insurability required Insured billed for the increases in premium Chapter 6 Tools & Techniques of Life Insurance Planning
6 - 5 Special Policy Provisions and Riders Accidental-death-benefit rider Small additional premium provides a multiple of the face amount of coverage If death occurs as a result of an accident Accidental death clause When death occurs as a result of an accidental bodily injury Accidental means clause Both the cause and result must have been accidental Companies differ with respect to the minimum and maximum age of coverage Chapter 6 Tools & Techniques of Life Insurance Planning
6 - 6 Special Policy Provisions and Riders Waiver of premium rider Form of disability insurance Base policy will continue inforce if the insured become disabled and incapable of premium payment Period of coverage Varies from company to company If disability occurs prior to age 60 – some companies will waive premiums as long as disability continues Some policies become paid up at age 65 If disability occurs after age 60- some companies will waive premiums until age 65 Chapter 6 Tools & Techniques of Life Insurance Planning
6 - 7 Special Policy Provisions and Riders Waiver of premium rider (cont'd) Waiting period 6 months for most companies. Others offer 4 months Definition of total disability Majority of carriers – Inability to perform one’s own job for two years, then any job for which reasonable suited by education training or experience Minority of carriers – Inability to perform any job for which reasonably suited by education, training or experience Few carriers – Inability to perform any job for pay or profit Chapter 6 Tools & Techniques of Life Insurance Planning
6 - 8 Special Policy Provisions and Riders Disability income rider Provides both a waiver of premium and supplemental income if the insured becomes totally disabled Expressed as a percentage of the face amount payable monthly Example – 1% with a $500,000 policy creates a $500 monthly benefit Maximum limits on coverage A waiting period of 6 months is typical Premiums vary among carriers, but the stronger the definition, the higher the premium for this rider Chapter 6 Tools & Techniques of Life Insurance Planning
6 - 9 Special Policy Provisions and Riders Guaranteed insurability option Attached to permanent policies on younger insured Option to purchase additional insurance at specified times without evidence of insurability Traditional option dates – Every three years between ages 25 and 40 Option amount vary but minimums increases are $5,000 to $10,000 Accelerated death benefit Part or all the face amount may be paid in advance on the diagnosis of certain dread diseases Payouts vary among companies (25% to 80%) Chapter 6 Tools & Techniques of Life Insurance Planning
Special Policy Provisions and Riders Accelerated death benefit (cont'd) Once conditions necessary to trigger accelerated payments have been met Insured can elect benefits as a single lump sum or as a series of installment payments Chapter 6 Tools & Techniques of Life Insurance Planning