Acts of the Apostles (Chapter Twenty-Five & Twenty-Six) Paul in Caesarea (25:1-26:32). * Festus in Jerusalem (25:1-5). Resists Jews’ attempt to bring Paul there.
Acts of the Apostles (Chapter Twenty-Five & Twenty-Six) Paul in Caesarea (25:1-26:32). * Festus in Jerusalem (25:1-5). Resists Jews’ attempt to bring Paul there. * Paul before Festus (25:6-12). - Appeal to Caesar (cf. Matt. 5:39; 10:23; Rom 13:3; I Peter 2:13,14). - Death penalty (25:11).
Acts of the Apostles (Chapter Twenty-Five & Twenty-Six) Paul in Caesarea (25:1-26:32). * Festus & Agrippa (25:13-27). - Herod Agrippa II, great-grandson of Herod the Great, son of Herod Agrippa I (Acts 12). - Explanation of Paul’s case (14-21). - Agrippa wishes to hear Paul (22-27).
Acts of the Apostles (Chapter Twenty-Five & Twenty-Six) Paul in Caesarea (25:1-26:32). * Speech before King Agrippa (26:1-32). - Youth at Jerusalem (4). - A Pharisee, “strictest sect” (5). - The “hope of the promise” = resurrection (6-8). - Former life of persecution (9-11).
Acts of the Apostles (Chapter Twenty-Five & Twenty-Six) Paul in Caesarea (25:1-26:32). * Speech before King Agrippa (26:1-32). - The road to Damascus (12-18). - “A minister and a witness” (16). - Sent to the Gentiles (17).
Acts of the Apostles (Chapter Twenty-Five & Twenty-Six) The Nature of the Gospel Message (26:18). * * “To open their eyes...” * “...To turn them from darkness to light...” * “...From the power of Satan to God...” * “...Receive forgiveness of sins...” * “...An inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith...”
Acts of the Apostles (Chapter Twenty-Five & Twenty-Six) The Nature of True Repentance (26:20). * “Repent” metanoieo - “to change one’s mind” (Thayer). * “Turn to God” * “Do works befitting repentance”
Acts of the Apostles (Chapter Twenty-Five & Twenty-Six) Paul in Caesarea (25:1-26:32). * Speech before King Agrippa (26:1-32). - Help from God (22). - The prophets and the death, burial and resurrection of Christ (23). - “You are beside yourself!” (24).
Acts of the Apostles (Chapter Twenty-Five & Twenty-Six) Paul in Caesarea (25:1-26:32). * Speech before King Agrippa (26:1-32). - “You almost persuade me to become a Christian” (28). - “… might become both almost and altogether such as I am...” (29). - Appeal to Caesar (32).