Information Literacy Information Literacy is the set of skills life-long learners use to locate, evaluate, synthesize, and communicate information for a variety of purposes. Howard County Public Schools
The Information Literacy Initiative A goal of the initiative is to build a consistent approach to problem- solving ( gathering and using information) across grade levels.
What issues do students face when gathering and using information? Issues: Issues: Differing expectations from teacher to teacher Differing approaches and terms from grade to grade and from subject to subject
How is Information Literacy related to academic integrity? √ Responsible use of information √ Plagiarism √ Copyright/Fair use √ Citing sources Teachers help students understand their ethical responsibilities when using information.
Information Literacy - Primary Grades Super3 √ Plan √ Do √ Review
Information Literacy - Primary Grades The Super3-Primary Grades The Super3-Primary Grades Plan - Students decide what steps they will take to complete a task Ask: What will it look like when I’m done?
Information Literacy - Primary Grades The Super3-Primary Grades The Super3-Primary Grades Do - Students complete a task (read, view, tell, write, draw) Ask: What information will I use?
Information Literacy - Primary Grades The Super3-Primary Grades The Super3-Primary Grades Review - Before handing in a product check to see if it is complete. Ask: Should I do something else before I turn it in?
Information Literacy - Grades 3-12 The Big6 Task Definition Information Seeking Strategies Location and Access Use of Information Synthesis Evaluation
Big6 Steps Defined 1.Task Definition - Define the Problem; Identify the information needed 2.Information Seeking Strategies - Determine all possible sources; Select the best source
Big6 Steps Defined 3. Location & Access - Locate sources; Find information within sources 4. Use of Information - Engage (read, hear, view); Extract relevant information
Big6 Steps Defined 5.Synthesis - Organize information form multiple sources; Present the result 6. Evaluation - Judge the result; Judge the efficiency of the process
School Year: Basic resources for teaching information literacy have been developed for language arts, social studies, and library media, and are available on the Document Repository. Kindergarten - Community Workers Kindergarten - Community Workers Grade 3 - Comparing World Cultures Grade 3 - Comparing World Cultures Grades Historical Investigations Grades Historical Investigations Grade 9 - Historical Investigations/English Research Projects Grade 9 - Historical Investigations/English Research Projects Middle and High School Reading Middle and High School Reading
Future Steps Resources for embedding Information Literacy objectives into content units at all grade levels will be developed over the next few years. Resources for embedding Information Literacy objectives into content units at all grade levels will be developed over the next few years.
Think About… What effect will teaching a consistent approach (K-12) for gathering and processing information have on our students? What effect will teaching a consistent approach (K-12) for gathering and processing information have on our students? How will this impact unit/lesson planning? How will this impact unit/lesson planning?