1 Object Oriented Programming Lecture XII Multithreading in Java, A few words about AWT and Swing, The composite design pattern
2 Last Lecture More design by abstraction.. –Design patterns the Strategy pattern (again) –Making use of interfaces the Factory pattern –making use of abstract classes and inheritance the Adapter design pattern –A concrete case study An algorithm animator Applying the Template, Strategy, Observer-Observable and the Factory patterns
3 Today’s Talk Multithreading in Java programs –Concurrency –Thread control and modes of threads –Critical regions and data hazards –Synchronize and atomicity –Concurrent in the Java API Simple example with concurrent counters AWT, Swing and the composite pattern
4 Multi-threaded programming Multi-threaded programs –Simultaneously executing threads can run either sequentially on single processor concurrently using multiple processors –Processor allocation is dependent on the operating system
5 Concurrency A sequential program –A single thread executing on one processor, running one instruction at a time A concurrent program –Multiple threads (logically) executed in parallel The implementation of a program with multiple threads can be –Multiprogramming Threads share one processor (time multiplexing) –Multiprocessing Threads are multiplexed and executed on multiprocessors or multicores –Distributed processing Processes distributed and executed on different machines
6 Multi-threading in Java Threads are objects –Instances of the java.lang.Thread class A threaded object extends Thread or... implements the Runnable interface All threads executed by the JVM share memory space –The heap For data allocation (fields, variables,...) –Stacks One for each thread (method arguments, return values...) Threads can communicate through shared variables and objects allocated on the heap
7 Dissecting the memory Program code Static data Heap Thread stacks shared data space references
8 A Concurrent Counter public class Counter1 extends Thread{ static int id = 0; int value, bound, delay, myid; public Counter1(int start, int stop, int d){ value = start; bound = stop; delay = d; myid = id; ++id; } public void run(){ while(value < bound){ System.out.println("" + myid +": " + value + " "); value++; try{ sleep(delay); } catch(InterruptedException ie){ ie.printStackTrace();} } ….
9 Counter1 output (class Counter1 continued.) public static void main(String[] args) { new Counter1(0, 50, 20).start(); } jabba% java Counter1 T0:0, T1:0, T0:1, T1:1, T0:2, T1:2, T0:3, T1:3, T0:4, T1:4, T0:5, T1:5, T0:6, T1:6, T0:7, T1:7, T0:8, T1:8, T0:9, T1:9, T0:10, T1:10, T0:11, T1:11, T0:12, T1:12, T0:13, T1:13, T0:14, T1:14, T0:15, T1:15, T0:16, T1:16, T0:17, T1:17, T0:18, T1:18, T0:19, T1:19, T0:20, T1:20, T0:21, T1:21, T0:22, T1:22, T0:23, T1:23, T0:24, T1:24, T0:25, T1:25, T0:26, T1:26, T0:27, T1:27, T0:28, T1:28, T0:29, T1:29, T0:30, T1:30, T0:31, T1:31, T0:32, T1:32, T0:33, T1:33, T0:34, T1:34, T0:35, T1:35, T0:36, T1:36, T0:37, T1:37, T0:38, T1:38, T0:39, T1:39, T0:40, T1:40, T0:41, T1:41, T0:42, T1:42, T0:43, T1:43, T0:44, T1:44, T0:45, T1:45, T0:46, T1:46, T0:47, T1:47, T0:48, T1:48, T0:49, T1:49
10 Multiple Counter Threads public class Concurrent Counters{ public static void main(String args[]){ for(int i = 0; i<5; i++){ new Counter1(0,20,50).start(); } How many Thread s are running now?
11 Controlling Threads Thread execution is managed by the JVM –Scheduled by priority (an integer value) –Threads with equal priority will be executed in arbitrary order No fairness guarantee (fair amount of processor time) The scheduling can also be affected by the programmer –by setting thread priorities Can be done dynamically (at runtime) –by blocking or yielding sleep(); yield;... join();
12 Blocked and Runnable Blocked mode –Thread sleeps or waits for other threads to finish sleep(milliseconds); –Runnable state -> Blocked state (block until time t) join(); –Runnable state -> Blocked state (block untill thread ”dies”) Runnable mode –Ready to be scheduled and run yield(); –Runnable state -> Runnable state (release execution) interrupt(); –Blocked -> Runnable or Runnable with IR-flag
13 Modes of Threads
14 Concurrent Counter 2 public class Counter2 extends Thread{ static int id = 0; int value, bound, delay, myid; public Counter2(int start, int stop, int d){ value = start; bound = stop; delay = d; myid = id; ++id; } public void run(){ while(value < bound){ System.out.println("Thread nbr " + myid +": " + value); value++; yield(); /** Release and force blocked mode **/ }
15 Counter2 output (class Counter2 continued.) public static void main(String[] args) { new Counter2(0, 50, 20).start(); } jabba% java Counter2 T0:0, T1:0, T0:1, T1:1, T0:2, T1:2, T0:3, T1:3, T0:4, T1:4, T0:5, T1:5, T0:6, T1:6, T0:7, T1:7, T0:8, T1:8, T0:9, T1:9, T0:10, T1:10, T0:11, T1:11, T0:12, T1:12, T0:13, T1:13, T0:14, T1:14, T0:15, T1:15, T0:16, T1:16, T0:17, T1:17, T0:18, T1:18, T0:19, T1:19, T0:20, T1:20, T0:21, T1:21, T0:22, T1:22, T0:23, T1:23, T0:24, T1:24, T0:25, T1:25, T0:26, T1:26, T0:27, T1:27, T0:28, T1:28, T0:29, T1:29, T0:30, T1:30, T0:31, T1:31, T0:32, T1:32, T0:33, T1:33, T0:34, T1:34, T0:35, T1:35, T0:36, T1:36, T0:37, T1:37, T0:38, T1:38, T0:39, T1:39, T0:40, T1:40, T0:41, T1:41, T0:42, T1:42, T0:43, T1:43, T0:44, T1:44, T0:45, T1:45, T0:46, T1:46, T0:47, T1:47, T0:48, T1:48, T0:49, T1:49
16 Concurrent Counter 3 public class Counter3 extends Thread{ static int id = 0; int value, bound, delay, myid; public Counter3(int start, int stop, int d){ value = start; bound = stop; delay = d; myid = id; ++id; } public void run(){ while(value < bound){ System.out.println("Thread nbr " + myid +": " + value); value++; yield(); }
17 Synchronising with join() public class Concurrent Counter3{ for(int i = 0; i<10; i++){ Counter3 cnt = new Counter3(0,20,50); cnt.start(); try{ cnt.join(); } catch(InterruptedException ie){} } In what order will threads be executed now?
18 Counter3 output jabba% java Counter3 T0:0, T0:1, T0:2, T0:3, T0:4, T0:5, T0:6, T0:7, T0:8, T0:9, T0:10, T0:11, T0:12, T0:13, T0:14, T0:15, T0:16, T0:17, T0:18, T0:19, T1:0, T1:1, T1:2, T1:3, T1:4, T1:5, T1:6, T1:7, T1:8, T1:9, T1:10, T1:11, T1:12, T1:13, T1:14, T1:15, T1:16, T1:17, T1:18, T1:19, T2:0, T2:1, T2:2, T2:3, T2:4, T2:5, T2:6, T2:7, T2:8, T2:9, T2:10, T2:11, T2:12, T2:13, T2:14, T2:15, T2:16, T2:17, T2:18, T2:19, T3:0, T3:1, T3:2, T3:3, T3:4, T3:5, T3:6, T3:7, T3:8, T3:9, T3:10, T3:11, T3:12, T3:13, T3:14, T3:15, T3:16, T3:17, T3:18, T3:19, T4:0, T4:1, T4:2, T4:3, T4:4, T4:5, T4:6, T4:7, T4:8, T4:9, T4:10, T4:11, T4:12, T4:13, T4:14, T4:15, T4:16, T4:17, T4:18, T4:19, T5:0, T5:1, T5:2, T5:3, T5:4, T5:5, T5:6, T5:7, T5:8, T5:9, T5:10, T5:11, T5:12, T5:13, T5:14, T5:15, T5:16, T5:17, T5:18, T5:19, T6:0, T6:1, T6:2, T6:3, T6:4, T6:5, T6:6, T6:7, T6:8, T6:9, T6:10, T6:11, T6:12, T6:13, T6:14, T6:15, T6:16, T6:17, T6:18, T6:19, T7:0, T7:1, T7:2, T7:3, T7:4, T7:5, T7:6, T7:7, T7:8, T7:9, T7:10, T7:11, T7:12, T7:13, T7:14, T7:15, T7:16, T7:17, T7:18, T7:19, T8:0, T8:1, T8:2, T8:3, T8:4, T8:5, T8:6, T8:7, T8:8, T8:9, T8:10, T8:11, T8:12, T8:13, T8:14, T8:15, T8:16, T8:17, T8:18, T8:19, T9:0, T9:1, T9:2, T9:3, T9:4, T9:5, T9:6, T9:7, T9:8, T9:9, T9:10, T9:11, T9:12, T9:13, T9:14, T9:15, T9:16, T9:17, T9:18, T9:19,
19 Critical regions Pieces of code that is reading and writing shared data, and accessed by multiple threads, constitute a critical region –Race hazards between threads when writing to shared data Java provide the synchronized keyword for atomic access to methods
20 What is a race hazard? Multiple threads concurrently access same data At least one access is a write Thread 1: x = x+1; Thread 2: x = x+2;
21 Avoiding data races Thread 1: lock(l); x = x+1; unlock(l); Thread 2: lock(l); x = x+2; unlock(l);
22 Critical regions public class Account{ private int balance; public Account(){ balance = 0;} public boolean insert(int amount){... } public boolean withDraw(int amount){ if(balance >= amount){ newBalance = balance - amount; balance = newBalance; return true; } else { return false; } } Critical region
23 A synchronized withDraw() public class Account{ private int balance; public Account(){ balance = 0;} public boolean insert(int amount){... } public synchronized boolean withDraw(int amount){ if(balance >= amount){ newBalance = balance - amount; balance = newBalance; return true; } else { return false; } }
24 insert() and withDraw() public class Account{ private int balance; public Account(){ balance = 0;} public synchronized boolean insert(int amount){ int newBalance = balance + amount; balance = newBalance; } public synchronized boolean withDraw(int amount){ if(balance >= amount){ int newBalance = balance - amount; balance = newBalance; return true; }else { return false; } } Using both synchronized insert and withDraw, are we safe?
25 Atomicity in balance public class Account{ private AtomicInteger balance;//Atomic Integer public Account(){ balance = new AtomicInteger(); } public synchronized void insert(int amount){ balance.addAndGet(amount);// Atomic access to balance } public synchronized boolean withDraw(int amount){ int status = balance.get();// Enough money available? if(status >= amount){ balance.set(status - amount);// withdraw return true;// return success } return false,// No money left }
26 Java.util.concurrent Concurrent Data structures –ArrayBlockingQueue For threadsafe bounded queues –ConcurrentHashMap Threadsafe hashmap –ConcurrentLinkedQueue For unbounded threadsafe queues –... Barriers and Semaphores –CyclicBarrier Common barrier point allowing Threads to wait for each other Cyclic means that the Barrier object can be reused –Semaphore To permit access only for a restricted number of Threads –...
27 Java.util.concurrent.atomic Atomic Classes and wrappers –AtomicBoolean –AtomicInteger –AtomicIntegerArray –AtomicLong –AtomicReference –...
28 A Few words about AWT and Swing
29 Graphical User Interfaces in Java There are two packages in the Java API –Abstract Windows Toolkit (AWT) Provides basic support for GUI development AWT components are ”heavyweight” (Looks and behaves as the underlying OS windows system) –SWING Extension of AWT, a bit more sophisticated and extensive than AWT Most components are ”Lightweight” (Java runtime environment, not OS dependant look)
30 Four ”main” class categories Components –Each visible GUI object is of Component type LayoutManagers –Determines how components are placed within an outer container Events and EventListeners –Java user interaction is event driven (inputs or actions) Graphics and Imaging Classes –Provides methods to draw images, texts and shapes
31 Design patterns widely used Common used patterns are –Strategy Layoutmanager implements strategy pattern for placing components Some concrete strategys: FlowLayout, BorderLayout, GridLayout etc... –Template Examples are: Component, MouseAdapters Let us define methods like paint, update, dealing with mouse actions. etc. –Composite Combines several components uniformly
32 Design pattern: Composite The composite pattern is a pattern for creating hierarchical structures of objects –Components that contain other components We can treat a combination of several components as one uniform object –Example: A ButtonPanel containing Buttons.. –A Frame with Buttons and Drawing space
33 Structure of the Composite pattern
34 LayoutManager
35 Event handling in Java Users interact with a program through Event objects –Click in the mouse, typing text etc... In Java, EventListeners are used to detect Events so we can assign the proper action When an Event occur, program execution is transferred to the listener object –ex. actionPerformed(Event e)
36 The Event handling process 1. When an Event has occurred, the JVM determines the source and the type 2. If there is any Listener for this event, an Action Event is instantiated 3. For each Listener that match the event, JVM calls the event handling method, passing the Event object