Alaska’s Interagency Electronic Reporting System I nternational P acific H alibut C ommission I nternational P acific H alibut C ommission
Industry User NMFS – Sustainable Fisheries By Catch & production reports In-season management ADF&G IPHC Paper fish tickets Other: In-season Management Logbook programs, etc NMFS – RAM Web based reporting: IFQ and CDQ Transfers COOPs “The old days” pre-eLandings
IERS - eLandings: Program Goals Meets the needs of all the Agencies Adheres to regulations Adheres to confidentiality requirements Improves data quality Provides timely commercial catch statistics Provides trip-based information Provides documentation - electronic and paper Eliminates redundant reporting Considers processor business constraints One-time data entry for processors
Consolidated reporting to all agencies Electronic reporting IPHC ADF&G NMFS SF NMFS RAM Industry User Interagency Repository Database
eLandings Components eLandings Web based reporting seaLandings at-sea fleet reports via Agency Interface for editing and submitted electronic data Elandings 24/7 Server: Juneau
eLandings data flow with Agencies IPHC ADF&G Venus Neptune NMFS – SF Groundfish Catch Accounting System NMFS – RAM IFQ Halibut/Sablefish IFQ Crab Every 2 hours IFQ Permits Twice / day IFQ Report at time of landing CFEC CFEC Permits & Vessels (once daily) Once daily Land2Fish (every 15 minutes except 4-5AM) DOR via ITO Processors (once daily)
eLandings: Environments Three servers 1. Production server “real” web system Web reporting; reporting; agency desktop 2. Test server Version of eLanding software under development Fictitious names – real static codes Currently used for testing and training sessions 3. Training server Identical to production Fictitious names – test IFQ permits For future training sessions or practice for agencies and industry
Distribution of ADF&G Landing Report Data Once a month groundfish data distributed to AKFIN for PACFIN. At the end of each calendar year’s landing report data, it is released to CFEC. Additional permit and license information in added to the landing report records. Average price by area and fishery (gross earnings) is also added to the landing report records.
Distribution of ADF&G Landing Report Data Value added landing report data is released to AKFIN. Additional distributions include Alaska Department of Revenue, Community Development, and Labor. Halibut data is now obtained from ADF&G.