1 / 67 COP 3503 FALL 2012 SHAYAN JAVED LECTURE 14 Programming Fundamentals using Java 1
2 / 67 Graphical-User Interfaces (GUIs)
3 / 67 So far... Only created text-based programs No fancy graphics (buttons! menus! text-fields!)
4 / 67 Graphical-User Interfaces (GUI) Going to look at how to create GUIs in Java
5 / 67 Graphical-User Interfaces (GUI) Going to look at how to create GUIs in Java Use the SWING API (for desktop-programs)
6 / 67 Graphical-User Interfaces (GUI) Going to look at how to create GUIs in Java Use the SWING API (for desktop-programs) Use the AWT API (for Java Applets – on the web)
7 / 67 The SWING API Used to create desktop applications.
8 / 67 The SWING API Used to create desktop applications. Uses the Model-View-Controller software engineering design pattern.
9 / 67 Model-View-Controller design Model: Manages the behavior and data of the application. Changes state.
10 / 67 Model-View-Controller design Model: Manages the behavior and data of the application. Changes state. View: Renders the model into a form for interaction. (Button, textbox, checkbox, etc.)
11 / 67 Model-View-Controller design Model: Manages the behavior and data of the application. Changes state. View: Renders the model into a form for interaction. (Button, textbox, checkbox, etc.) Controller: Receives user input and initiates a response by interacting with the model.
12 / 67 The SWING API Example: Scrabble
13 / 67 The GUI API Use the NetBeans IDE for easy drag-and-drop creation.
14 / 67 The GUI API Use the NetBeans IDE for easy drag-and-drop creation. But we are going to focus on basic code
15 / 67 The GUI API 3 Groups of classes: Component Classes: Buttons, Labels, TextFields, etc.
16 / 67 The GUI API 3 Groups of classes: Component Classes: Buttons, Labels, TextFields, etc. Container Classes: Frames, Panels, Applets, etc.
17 / 67 The GUI API 3 Groups of classes: Component Classes: Buttons, Labels, TextFields, etc. Container Classes: Frames, Panels, Applets, etc. Helper Classes: Graphics, Color, Font, etc.
18 / 67 The SWING API Simple Window Represented by the JFrame class
19 / 67 The SWING API import javax.swing.JFrame; public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame frame = new JFrame(“A Title”); frame.setSize(400, 300); frame.setLocation(10, 300); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); frame.setVisible(true); }
20 / 67 The SWING API – add components import javax.swing.*; public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame frame = new JFrame(“A Title”); JButton button = new JButton(“OK”); frame.add(button); frame.setSize(400, 300);... }
21 / 67 The SWING API – add components A JFrame containts a content pane.
22 / 67 The SWING API – add components A JFrame containts a content pane. Content pane = instance of java.awt.Container;
23 / 67 The SWING API – add components A JFrame containts a content pane. Content pane = instance of java.awt.Container; Objects are added to it frame.add( Component )
24 / 67 The SWING API – add components A JFrame containts a content pane. Content pane = instance of java.awt.Container; Objects are added to it frame.add( Component ) frame.remove( Component )
25 / 67 Layout Managers Components in content pane are laid out by layout managers.
26 / 67 Layout Managers Components in content pane are laid out by layout managers. Multiple types: FlowLayout GridLayout BorderLayout
27 / 67 Layout Managers - FlowLayout Components arranged left to right in order. One row fills up, a new row is started
28 / 67 Layout Managers - FlowLayout java.awt.FlowLayout Properties: alignment: int (CENTER/LEFT/RIGHT/etc.) hgap, vgap: int (the gaps – default: 5 pixels)
29 / 67 Layout Managers - FlowLayout java.awt.FlowLayout Properties: alignment: int (CENTER/LEFT/RIGHT/etc.) hgap, vgap: int (the gaps – default: 5 pixels) Constructors: FlowLayout() FlowLayout(alignment, hgap, vgap)
30 / 67 Layout Managers - FlowLayout public class ShowFlowLayout extends JFrame { public ShowFlowLayout() { // set the flow layout setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 10, 20); add(new JButton(“Button”)); add(new JTextField(8)); }
31 / 67 Layout Managers - GridLayout Arrange components in a grid (matrix) formation. Placed left-to-right.
32 / 67 Layout Managers - GridLayout Arrange components in a grid (matrix) formation. Placed left-to-right. Properties: rows, columns: int hgap, vgap: int (the gaps – default: 5 pixels)
33 / 67 Layout Managers - GridLayout public class ShowGridLayout extends JFrame { public ShowGridLayout() { // set the Grid layout – 3 rows, 2 columns setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 2, 10, 10); add(new JButton(“Button”)); add(new JTextField(8)); }
34 / 67 Layout Managers - BorderLayout Default Layout for ContentPanes (Jframe) Divides container into 5 areas: East, West, South, North, Center Components are added into one of these areas Properties: hgap, vgap: int (the gaps – default: 5 pixels)
35 / 67 Layout Managers - BorderLayout public class ShowBorderLayout extends JFrame { public ShowBorderLayout() { // set the Border Layout setLayout(new BorderLayout(10, 10); add(new JButton(“Button”), BorderLayout.EAST); add(new JTextField(8), BorderLayout.WEST); }
36 / 67 The SWING API Looked at adding Components to the Window (Frame). And how to lay them out.
37 / 67 The SWING API Looked at adding Components to the Window (Frame). And how to lay them out. But often need “sub-windows” to create more complex interfaces.
38 / 67 Using JPanels as Subcontainers Panels are subcontainers.
39 / 67 Using JPanels as Subcontainers Panels are subcontainers. Can add components to them
40 / 67 Using JPanels as Subcontainers Panels are subcontainers. Can add components to them Also set layouts (default: FlowLayout)
41 / 67 Using JPanels as Subcontainers Panels are subcontainers. Can add components to them Also set layouts (default: FlowLayout) JPanel panel = new JPanel(); panel.add(new JButton(“OK”));
42 / 67 Using JPanels // set the Border Layout of the JFrame setLayout(new BorderLayout(10, 10); // add a Panel to the West and East JPanel p1 = new JPanel(); add(p1, BorderLayout.WEST); JPanel p2 = new JPanel(); p2.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 2, 5, 5)); add(p2, BorderLayout.EAST); // add components to the east panel p2.add(new JTextField(8)); p2.add(new JButton(“Button1”)); p2.add(new JTextField(8)); p2.add(new JButton(“Button2”)); // one button to the west panel p1.add(new JButton(“Button3”));
43 / 67 Adding Components Need to add components for interaction.
44 / 67 Adding Components Need to add components for interaction. Some useful ones: JButton JTextField JCheckBox JComboBox JMenuBar etc...
45 / 67 Model-View-Controller design Model: (ALREADY IMPLEMENTED) Manages the behavior and data of the application. Changes state. View: DONE Renders the model into a form for interaction. (Button, textbox, checkbox, etc.) Controller: Receives user input and initiates a response by interacting with the model.
46 / 67 Interaction and Events Need to handle events from various GUI components.
47 / 67 Interaction and Events Need to handle events from various GUI components. Button clicks, text field changes, menu selection, etc.
48 / 67 Interaction and Events Need to handle events from various GUI components. Button clicks, text field changes, menu selection, etc. Event-driven programming
49 / 67 Interaction and Events Components generate different kinds of Events
50 / 67 Interaction and Events Components generate different kinds of Events ActionEvent, ItemEvent, ChangeEvent, MouseEvent, KeyEvent
51 / 67 Interaction and Events Components generate different kinds of Events ActionEvent, ItemEvent, ChangeEvent, MouseEvent, KeyEvent Example: JButton generates ActionEvent
52 / 67 Interaction and Events Components generate different kinds of Events ActionEvent, ItemEvent, ChangeEvent, MouseEvent, KeyEvent Example: JButton generates ActionEvent Mouse pressed/moved/dragged: MouseEvent
53 / 67 Interaction and Events Components generate different kinds of Events ActionEvent, ItemEvent, ChangeEvent, MouseEvent, KeyEvent Example: JButton generates ActionEvent Mouse pressed/moved/dragged: MouseEvent JCheckBox: ItemEvent, ActionEvent
54 / 67 Interaction and Events Need to “listen” for Events. Source object fires an event, and an object interested in the event handles it. Latter object called a “listener”
55 / 67 Interaction and Events For an object to be a listener, it needs to implement an interface.
56 / 67 Interaction and Events For an object to be a listener, it needs to implement an interface. Interface should correspond to the Event. ActionListener for ActionEvent MouseListener for MouseEvent KeyListener for KeyEvent
57 / 67 Interaction and Events For an object to be a listener, it needs to implement an interface. Interface should correspond to the Event. ActionListener for ActionEvent MouseListener for MouseEvent KeyListener for KeyEvent object.addXListener(...)
58 / 67 ActionListener interface class AClass implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // do whatever you want }
59 / 67 ActionListener interface class AClass implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // do whatever you want } JButton button = new JButton(“OK”); button.addActionListener(new AClass());
60 / 67 ActionListener interface ActionEvent methods:
61 / 67 ActionListener interface ActionEvent methods: Object getSource(): returns the object on which the Event initially occurred. (in java.util.EventObject)
62 / 67 ActionListener interface ActionEvent methods: Object getSource(): returns the object on which the Event initially occurred. (in java.util.EventObject) String getActionCommand(): returns the command string (text of the button for ex.)
63 / 67 ItemListener interface Used for check boxes, toggle buttons, etc. class AClass implements ItemListener { public void itemStatechanged(ItemEvent e) { // do whatever you want }
64 / 67 ItemListener interface ItemEvent methods: Object getItem(): Component-specific object. int getStateChange(): The new state of the associated object.
65 / 67 Interaction and Events Look at some other useful Events: MouseEvent KeyEvent WindowEvent
66 / 67 Interaction and Events Look at some other useful Events: MouseEvent KeyEvent WindowEvent Experiment!
67 / 67 Summary Windows and Panels Layouts Add Components Add Listeners Handle Events