12-2 Chapter Topics Chapter 14 discusses the following main topics: Introduction to Applets A Brief Introduction to HTML Creating Applets with Swing Using AWT for Portability Drawing Shapes Handling Mouse and Key Events Timer Objects Playing Audio
Introduction to Applets Apple Applet???? An applet is a Java program that is associated with a Web page and is executed in a Web browser as part of that Web page Example: file:///D:/DATA/brasko/users/paulo/Pitt%20University/CS- 0401/slides%20from%20Editor/Chapter%2014/TempConverter/TempCon verter.htmlfile:///D:/DATA/brasko/users/paulo/Pitt%20University/CS- 0401/slides%20from%20Editor/Chapter%2014/TempConverter/TempCon verter.html
Introduction to Applets Two types of Java programs: Applications A stand-alone program that runs on your computer Applets Programs that are part of a Web site that is executed inside the browser window
Introduction to Applets AppletWeb Page Applet Web Page
Applets and Web Pages: Good Friends We need to learn a little bit about HTML (web pages) in order to be able to understand the relationship between Applets and Web Pages
A Good Introduction / hands-on
Adding an Applet into an HTML page My First Heading My first paragraph.
Creating an Applet in NetBeans
Copy the jar and class files
Update Your Web Page
Run the web page file In the Windows Explorer, double click on the html file