Mordialloc Creek Dredging Program Outline
Contents 1.Background 2.Program Scope 3.Stakeholders 4.Program Pre-conditions 5.Funding Arrangements 6.Related works program 7.Sustainable Management Plan
1. Background Natural tidal creek Heavily modified by channels, revetments, training walls. Was the natural outlet of the Carrum Swamp Historic boat harbour Upstream now more estuarine condition
Dredging history Melbourne Water performed dredging in the past No significant dredging in section A since 1997 Section B was last done in 2000 Some maintenance dredging since 2000
Mordialloc Village Important Council focus –Mordialloc Master Plan Structure plan for the area –Historic fishing village and boat harbour –Commercial and recreational hub
Mordialloc Creek Responsible Agencies –Melbourne Water –City of Kingston –Parks Victoria –Dept Sustainability & Environment –EPA Victoria Affected Agencies –Victrack –Vic Roads
Mordialloc Creek (cont) Melbourne Water Responsibilities –Manage and monitor the health of rivers, creeks and wetlands –Manage the regional drainage system –Provide a safe level of flood protection –Regulate works on rivers and creeks –Make sure urban development is safe and meets flood and environment standards.
Mordialloc Creek (cont) Kingston CC Responsibilities –Be the Committee of Management for the nominated Crown Land Manage the reserve Develop the reserve Enter into contracts Enter into tenure arrangements Enforce regulations
2. Program Scope PHASE 1 –Lambert Island Section Tasks Tender & Contract Consents & Approvals PHASE 2 –Sections A, B & C Tasks Tender & Contract
Dredging Tasks Method Barge mounted bucket excavator Partially dewatered in a hopper barge Cationic polymer added to trap ASS and pollutants Floating silt curtain to trap plume Timing to avoid fish breeding times Class C contaminated silt disposal to landfill
Dredging Sections
Channel Profiles
3. Stakeholders Community –Residents –Mordialloc Creek Community –Commercial Operators –Village Traders’ Group Agencies –DSE –MW –PV
4. Program Preconditions Stage 1 –Consent from DSE –Consent from EPA Victoria Stage 2 –Funding from State Government –Sustainable Management Plan –MOU joint management with PV and MW
5. Funding Arrangements Stage 1 –City of Kingston Stage 2 –State Government –City of Kingston (related or ancillary works)
6. Related Works Mooring pole replacements Landings & Jetties Revetments, walls Slipways Other –Wave barriers (PV) –Training walls (PV) –Structure / Master plan items
7. Sustainable Master Plan Precondition for 10 year consent Will look at sustainable dredging practice Will look at sustainable funding arrangements KCC + MW + PV joint plan May set rules on boat size / operation