Matt. 14:5-7
One can dance in celebration – 1 Sam. 18:6-7 Part of children playing – Job 21:11 But it can also be not so innocent, as when Salome danced for Herod The bible has a term for this – Gal. 5:19, Mark 7:21-23 (aselgeia – lasciviousness) This is not to be taken lightly!
For fun For exercise To fit in with the crowd, go along with traditions – Rom. 12:2, 1 Pet. 4:3-4 To get close to the opposite sex Don’t think so?
To flee from temptation – 2 Tim. 2:22 To be mindful of others, and not tempt them – Matt. 18:5-7 To understand that even lawful things can be harmful, and as such, avoid them – 1 Cor. 6:12-13
Can a Christian dance? Absolutely. But is that the same as “dancing” or “going to a dance”? Not in our culture. To be involved in modern dancing with someone who is not your spouse is to invite improper thoughts, cause someone else to lust, and cast a stumbling block before others.