EOVSA Catalog Design and VSO Integration D. Zarro 1 EOVSA Kickoff Meeting September 2012
Build on IDL Database Heritage: IUE, UIT, SOHO/CDS, Hinode/EIS IDL-based, with supporting routines in SSW OS- and Platform-independent (Windows, Unix/Linux, Mac OS X ) 2
Catalog Design Considerations What data products will be searched (images, spectra, lightcurves)? What metadata will be stored in catalog (observing ids, engineering parameters)? What metadata will be searchable (e.g. time, frequency)? 3
#items TL_ID I*4 Timeline ID from planning software OBSTITLE C*80 Observing program title TARGET C*40 Target of observation STUD_ACR C*40 Study Acronym OBS_DEC C*240 Description of observation OBS_NUM I*2 Sequential number of observation JOP_ID I*2 Joint Observing Program ID. EIS_SC C*120 Description of EIS science objective OBSERVER C*60 Name of chief observer DATE_OBS R*8 Date/time of beginning of observation DATE_END R*8 Date/time of end of observation NOAA_NUM I*2 NOAA Active Region Number (from planning software) NOAA_AR I*2 NOAA Active Region Number (calculated) SCI_OBJ C*80 Science objective XCEN R*4 Actual pointing of center of image in solar X YCEN R*4 Actual pointing of center of image in solar Y FOVX R*4 Width of field of view in solar X FOVY R*4 Width of field of view in solar Y DATE C*80 Date the FITS file was written FILENAME C*80 Name of FITS file study data was retrieved from. 4 Example EIS Catalog entries
Archive of searchable data products Catalog writer/updater Catalog reader/browser 5 Catalog Requirements
Catalog Population Pipeline EOVSA Processed Data Archive SSW IDL EOVSA Catalog VSO Registry 6 Continuous process: 1.Extract metadata from data file headers. 2.Populate catalog with metadata. 3.Push catalog to SSW. 4.Pull search entries into VSO. => Search catalog via VSO clients and/or IDL directly.
SSW/IDL database reader returns data structures with fields that match metadata entries 7 IDL> list_eis_main,’1-may-11’,’2-may-11’,obs ** Structure EIS_MAIN_LIST, 28 tags, length=304, data length=296: TL_ID LONG OBSTITLE STRING 'HOP 185. AR magnetism with SST. TARGET STRING 'Active Region ' OBS_DEC STRING 'Switch to returning AR on NE limb. JOIN_SB STRING 'E,S,X ' OBS_NUM INT 0 JOP_ID INT 185 STUDY_ID LONG 360' EIS_SC STRING 'UNKNOWN DATE_OBS DOUBLE e+09 DATE_END DOUBLE e+09 SCI_OBJ STRING 'AR XCEN FLOAT YCEN FLOAT FOVX FLOAT FOVY FLOAT DATE STRING ' FILENAME STRING 'eis_l0_ _ fits.gz
VSO/IDL client returns selected metadata and file URL locations 8 IDL> files=vso_search('1-may-08','10-may-08',inst='eis',/url) Records Returned : SDAC_EIS : 206/206 _ _ fits.gz _ _ fits.gz _ _ fits.gz _ _ fits.gz