Beyond Mobile, Beyond Smart
CONTENTS 1. Company introduction 2. Organization chart 3. Field of business and Earnings 4. Programs for broadcasting
1. Company introduction “People of the mobile era” Moberan is ‘People of the mobile era’, which means company that specialized in create value for the mobile era. We specialized in Mobile App Development, Mobile game, Website Dev/Maintenance, Integrated Web & Mobile Marketing, broadcating S/W(TV subtitles) whit Interactive data broadcasting. Company name Established CEO Business Area Office Contact Main URL : Moberan : April 13, 2011 : ji-hoon Baik : Mobile App Development, Internet Integrated Marketing, Broadcasting S/W, Website Dev/Maintenance : SongdoBRC SmartValley D-1206, 214, Songdo-dong, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, Korea : Tel (+82) : : “’Moberan’ is always working and studying with craftmanship”
2. Organization chart “Moberan have a corporate culture that emphasizes research effort” Moberan is developing mobile solutions, broadcating S/W, website dev, mobile App Development mobile solutions broadcating S/W CEO CTOCMO Dev team1 Dev team2 Planning Sales Beyond Mobile Beyond Smart
“Moberan Provides a total service for IT” Moberan proceeded various mobile, broadcasting project and provide best result to our best customer. Moberan done our best in order to believe in lifetime customer value, to achieve the business objectives of the customer. Solution Development Interactive data broadcasting Broadcasting S/W Mobile Development Services Development Web&Mobile Service Mobile Game Social game Integrated Web&Mobile Marketing Website Dev/Maintenance MOBERAN Business Scope 3. Field of business and Earnings
Moberan has verified the expertise by various projects in many year. Moberan through the provision of services that actually help your business, best in the field of planning and marketing development of the application, broadcasting S / W development, and the development of Web services to be able to meet the business goals that customers want. ~~ In 2012 Develop 'Lemon Mail' ASP site ( (linux, mysql, java, jsp) Develop scheduler for general election with MBC C&I (Windows, oracle, C++) Develop WASP coder for general election with KBS (Windows, C#) Develop WASP coder for stock quotations with SBS CNBC (Windows, C#) Develop LBS indoor navigation(research project) with ETRI (Android) Develop OGC conference application with Hyundai MNSoft (iPhone, Android) Develop STB storage battery monitoring system (PC) Develop NPC multi-remote monitoring program 'Cheonrian‘ Satellite image output program secondary development with MBC C&I Develop scheduler for presidential election with MBC C&I (Windows, oracle, C++) Develop WASP coder for presidential election with KBS (Windows, C#) Develop Tornado coder for presidential election with JTBC (Windows, C#) ~~ In 2011 Moberan incorporation Develop Phototree(Ios) Develop Virtual TRS Service Mobile with Ultari Develop Smart A/S System for Mitsubishi Elevator Develop 'Cheonrian‘ Satellite image output program ‘Baldur’ with MBC C&I Develop Same game(Android) 3. Field of business and Earnings
~~In 2014 Develop MBC C&I Local Election – Coder. (Windows, C++) Develop MBC Local Election ‘Charisma’ Coder (Windows, C#) Develop MBC Broadcast Preparation Systel (Windows, C#, Oracle, C++, Omneon Video Server) Develop ‘MBC Organize CMS’ (Windows, C#, Oracle, eXerver Vidoe Server) Delivery JTBC Top Weather Delivery SENTV Securities Data receiver Server Moberan FMS Solution Release Develop TV Review System (Audience rating Checker) Develop ‘Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources’ geological analysis program ~~ In 2013 Develop Weather data visualization system (Windows, C++) Develop ‘Mitsubishi Elevetor’ Smart A/S system Maintenance (iPhone, Objective C) Deveop & Maintenance MBC C&I And MBC Forecast center ‘Chollian’ Satelite data visualization system ‘Baldur2’ (Windows, C++) Develop Konai Smart Wallet (Android, JSP) Develop ‘SEUNGIL ELECTRONICS’ Smart DDC (Android, JSP) Develop ‘Happy share welfare Incheon’ Site (JSP, Spring) Develop Posco LED Lighting controll app (Android) 3. Field of business and Earnings (2)
MBC Radio Digital Library Program for encode and save radio broadcasting Language : C++ Board : Digigram board DB : Oracle 4. Programs for broadcasting
Golf & Baseball trajectory broadcast program Measuring trajectory by sensor for making broadcasting video Language : C++ Board : Matrox board Etc : OpenGL 3D
MBC weather cast video making program Making weather cast video for broadcasting with KMA(Korea Meteorological Administration) data (Cloud, Radar, Typhoon, Special weather statement) Language : C++ Board : Matrox Board Etc : OpenGL 3D, KMA data
CNBC Stock broadcasting (Receive data & subtitles) Receive data from Koscom & Reuters and save in database Making data to broadcasting graphic video(with Wasp3D) Language : C#, C++ DB : MS-SQL Subtitler : Wasp3D Etc : Koscom, Reuters data
General & presidential graphic program Language : VC++ DB : Oracle Subtitler: WASP3D, Tornado Etc: NEC data
Survey Languate: JAVA, JSP, Javascript DB : MySQL
Moberan NPC multi-remote monitoring Language : VC++ Etc : multi-remote monitoring KVM (Keyboard, Video, Mouse Controll) File transfer WOL Agent grouping Agent information gathering http data encrypt
Moberan TopWeather Language : VC++ Etc : Weather data visualization System Earth Layer Weather data Layer CoastLine Layer
Broadcast preparation system(ClipBank) Language : C# Etc : Broadcast preparation system (Video clip CMS)
THANK YOU Moberan Office : SongdoBRC SmartValley D-1206, 214, Songdo-dong, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, Korea Tel ) /