Selective Questions Adapted from 2010 Int 2 and 2011 Int2
2010: Evidence which supports the view Sam Baker is not selective in his view :“The Scottish local council elections in 2007 showed a large change compared with the elections in 2003.” Sam’s view is supported, not selective, as shown by Source 1 a change in control across Scotland’s councils was expected. And source 2 shows, Labour control of 13 councils in 2003 to 2 in This shows Sam is not selective because there is a large change in control of councils.
Evidence which does not support the view: His statement was selective as source 1 shows, although it was hoped there would be an increase in the number of female, young and BME representatives elected. And source 3 shows, Number of women elected changed little – fell from 269 to 263. There was little change in the number of women councillors, while Sam described a large change. His statement was selective as source 1 shows, the number of spoilt papers much the same as in previous election. And source 3 shows there was no change in the number of BME councillors. This shows there was no change, unlike the large change Sam described.
2011: Evidence which supports the view Eri Tham is not selective in his view, “people in all parts of china have greater access to the internet”. Eri’s view is not selective as shown by source 1, “as if growth continues, there has been an increase in the methods used by Internet users to get round government restrictions”. And source 1 also shows, one common tactic in publishing sensitive topics is to post articles on a newspaper website and then comply with government orders to take it down. By the time the article is removed, people will have read it and this defeats the point of the censorship order. This shows that people in China have greater access to the internet because censorship has been reduced. Eri is not selective source 2 shows, the number of rural users are growing at a faster rate. And source 3 as the number of people who could access the Internet on their mobile phones by the end of 2008 – had grown to 117 million. This shows that more people can access the internet at a faster rate and through their mobile phones.
Evidence which does not support the view: Eri Tham is selective, source 1 shows, as there has been a huge growth of people being employed to spy on web users and a large list of banned words which cause a website to be blocked. And source 3 shows, there has been an increase of 10,000 people employed by the Chinese Government to monitor internet users since This shows that the government is trying to increase censorship and restrict more people’s access to the internet.