Dissemination strategy of IPPC information. Estonian homepage for IPPC Jüri Truusa, Ministry of Environment Prague, april 2005
Target group and forms of dissemination Target group: operators, permiters and inspectors (CA), NGO, consultants, other interested persons, students publicNGOPublic hearings etc personAllLeaflets, radio, TV personOperators mainly Consultations institution, project CA mostlyTraining by projects institution, project CA mainlySeminars (free) person All payers Seminars (private) person All having access to internet Homepage ( IPPC) and KLIS person AllBREF, BAT etc InitiativeGroupForms
Problems - solutions Better dialogue, enforcement Some operators resists Answers to FAQ, but No real solutions find Uncertainities in EU legal acts Pratice english, use of EC translations, Preparation of short PVT lists and answers to FAQ on homepage in native language Technical information is in foreign language (BREFs, BATs, textbooks etc) Careful planning of events, better design of homepage, outsourcing if needed and possible CA`s are overloaded or not experienced enough Consistent dissemination of information in clear and simple manner (homepage, leaflets, articles) Awareness in not high enough Use of all forms of dissemination according to interests of subgroups Target group is broad and heterogenious Solutions findProblems faced
Sucess achieved (1) Legislation: 96/61/EC transposed by separate IPPC act in and subsidiary regulations during /87/EC (emission trade) transposed by Ambient Air Protection Act (RTI 2004, 43,298) and ministerial regulation ( ) 2003/35/EC (public participation and access to justice) transposed by new EIA Act ( ) and some other legal acts 2003/4/EC (public acess to environmental information) transposed by ministerial sc internet regulation and other regulations All acts are in force
Sucess achieved (2) Implementation: Since up to – 32 (or ca 20% from the IPPC scope) permit applications submitted to permiters (County environmental departments – CeD) and 16 permits or 10% issued, some rewied after 1 year validity. Most important information is publicly available in ministerial special homepage All environmental permits (single permits and integrated or IPPC permits) are accessible in KLIS (environmental permits information system) managed by ministerial information center (IC)
Sucess achieved (3) IPPC training for CA and projects: In averidge quaterly in the frames of certain projects, information days (for example Air days, inside seminars of Environmental Inspection). No special and continious IPPC training course arranged by MoE. 1-3 IPPC or IPPC oriented projects annually. Commonly with pilots and on specific cases oriented. IPPC training for operators: Arranged by industry associations (3-4 more active associations) Arranged by private consulting companies ( 2-3 of them are more active) In company training (most advanced and bigger companies in the frames of environmental days or separately) National BAT documents on oil-shale-oil industry and cattle farms are under preparation. Expected time of completion – end of IPPC homepage
IPPC homepage Initially launched and managed by Estonian- Danish IPPC project Since 2004 up to date managed by MoE environmental management and technology department In estonian and english Main parts of homepage - IPPC; legislation; training and pilots; guidelines; BAT; funding opportunities; links (21 together, among this link to Sevilla bureau) Only in estonian – IPPC news. Inside first part (IPPC): IPPC introduction, history, translation of 96/61/EC, scope of IPPC installations, IPPC permit applications submitted, IPPC permits issued, IPPC reports and overviews of participated IPPC events Inside part of guidelines – general guideline, commented application of IPPC permit, some researches by branches etc
Lessons learnt IPPC directive is so complicated that different interpretations are unavoidable The same finally undetermined issues were rised in many EU coutries If certain type of operators is not interested with introducing of BAT in the existing installations then any level of dissemination does not fits Stability of legislation is most valuable condition even if some important and new development have to stay outside of legal act for while Broad and open communication takes place only if all interested parts treats got information for solving of problems, not for punishment of partners. Early start of preparations for permit application is the success key.
Recomendations Learn and practice english, because full translation of all available material is impossible No changes in IPPC directive text before 2007 All that shines is not gold!