Cognitive Considerations Members: 4A2C0080 葉佩宜 4A2C0083 潘姵芯 4A2C0084 蔡佩真 4A2C0089 陳麗玲.


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Presentation transcript:

Cognitive Considerations Members: 4A2C0080 葉佩宜 4A2C0083 潘姵芯 4A2C0084 蔡佩真 4A2C0089 陳麗玲

Four Stages of Intellectual Growth  Piaget divided human intellectual development into four stages: Stage of DevelopmentAge RangeKey Feature Sensorimotor 感覺動作 期 0-2 yearsBegins to use imitation, thought and memory. Preoperational 前運時期 2-7 yearsDevelops language and symbolic thinking. Concrete Operational 具 體運時期 7-11 yearsAble to logically solve hands-on problems. Formal Operational 形式 運時期 11+ yearsCan solve abstract problems. They can recognizes that objects don’t cease to exist when they are hidden. They can think things through logically. They can classify objects according to several features. They more concerned about identity and social issues.

Piaget- Equilibration 平衡化  “progressive interior organization of knowledge in a stepwise fashion” 進步中的知識其內在組織橫向的發展 DoubtUncertaintyResolutionCertainty Disequilibrium 不平衡 Equilibration 平衡化 Conceptual Development 認 知概念的發展

Ellen Rosansky  Initial language acquisition takes place when the child is highly “centered” ( 自我中心 ).  This lack of flexibility ( 缺乏靈活度 )  and lack of decentration ( 無法不專注 )  may well be a necessity for language acquisition

Lateralization hypothesis ( 人腦語言功能側化假設 )  (1) Right hemisphere: musical technique, artistic talent, and express emotions ability  (2) Left hemisphere: speech, reading, writing, computing and solving the logical problems ability

Infancy is a critical period of right hemisphere development.

Differences between child and adult language acquisition.  Children have a smaller vocabulary and it is easy to learn enough of a second language to communicate their needs.  Adults have a much larger vocabulary and think and communicate in more complex ways than children.  As the child matures into adulthood, the left hemisphere (which controls the analytical and intellectual functions) becomes more dominant than the right hemisphere (which controls the emotional functions).  It is possible that the dominance of the left hemisphere contributes to a tendency to overanalyze and to be too intellectually centered on the task of second language learning.

Ausubel  Rote learning 機械式學習(死背): Repetition  Meaningful learning 有意義學習: New knowledge related with previous knowledge  Rote Learning :  The effect : Meaningful Learning > Rote Learning  The factor of superiority : differences in learning situation

References  shareFile%2F2013_6%2F2013_6_28421e9b.pptx shareFile%2F2013_6%2F2013_6_28421e9b.pptx   development?next_slideshow=1 development?next_slideshow=1   rce=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=55cLVfDuIsfn8AXx- IGgAQ&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ&biw=1366&bih=681#imgdii=_&imgrc=6Uxw_1EaadmgcM%253A %3BLJdqbqqjCaLk- ocialization%252F~%252Fmedia%252F36D601AB5ACF D0C33889E.ashx%3Bh on%252Fpiagets-model-of-cognitive-development%3B607%3B465  %E7%9A%AE%E4%BA%9E%E5%82%91(Piaget)%E7%9A%84%E8%AA%8D%E7%9F%A5 %E7%99%BC%E5%B1%95%E7%90%86%E8%AB%96 %E7%9A%AE%E4%BA%9E%E5%82%91(Piaget)%E7%9A%84%E8%AA%8D%E7%9F%A5 %E7%99%BC%E5%B1%95%E7%90%86%E8%AB%96   6%20slides.pdf

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