Plant Control Systems Response to Stimulus
Control systems ► Similar to animals, plants respond to stimuli ► We may respond to a loud noise by covering our ears jumping. This is a stimulus response
Control systems ► Plants respond to different stimuli than animals do ► They respond to things that that will effect them such as sunlight, gravity, touch and temperature
Phototropism ► Photo – sunlight ► Tropism – the movement of plant is response to stimulus Tropism can either be positive or negative ► Positive grows towards stimulus ► Negative grows away from stimulus ► The stem exhibits positive phototropism ► The root exhibits a weak negative phototropism
Darwin and son ► Which part of the plant detects and responds to phototropic stimulus? Found that the tip of the grass controls the direction in which the plant grows They found that with Avena sativa (oats) if the tip was not covered or removed the oats would grow towards the light
Boysen-Jensen ► What is the signal that initiates the phototropic response? Found that on the dark side of the grass the cells were longer than on the sunny side, which caused the grass to bend. These longer cells are in the area of elongation.
Boysen-Jensen ► Found that whatever was controlling the elongation could diffuse through gelatin but not mica. It was therefore a chemical of some sort
Went ► What is the specific substance responsible for initiating the phototrophic response? Isolated the chemical involved in Phototropism ► The hormone auxin
Gravitropism ► Movement in response to Gravity ► Scientist believe that plants rely on heavy Starch particles in specialized cells. ► These particles rest on the bottom of the cells (pulled down by gravity)
Gravitropism ► When a plant is tipped over the particles move and the plant responded by growing away (-) or towards (+) where the particles are resting ► The stem will generally grow away and the roots will grow towards the pull of gravity
Other Mechanisms ► Plants respond to other stimuli other than light and gravity. These stimuli include: Touch Temperature Chemicals Water Etc
Links ► Light and Gravity Light and Gravity Light and Gravity ► Touch Touch