Prepared by Khen Samrith Be carful about noise effect, Please take care your ear at your work
Prepared by Khen Samrith Protection
Prepared by Khen Samrith
Physical fitness Tired or side person feel more disturbed than well –rested or healthy person Time sequence Increasing and decreasing sounds are more disturbing than monotonous ones Duration The longer a sound lasts, the more disturbing it becomes Sound pressure The stronger the sound pressure, the more disturbing Frequency The higher the frequency the more disturbing is the sound this is true for sound up to 6000 cps. Kind of activity Intellectual work is more easily disturbed than physical work Personal attitude Those who hear involuntarily feel more disturbed than those who make the noise Noise Individual sensation of sound
Exposure to loud noise will inevitably cause hearing loss over time. Loud noise damages or destroys the nerves in the inner ear. Another effect can be “tinnitus” or permanent ringing in the ear. Prepared by Khen Samrith
raised blood pressure increased heart rate and stress resulting in irritability and headaches, an reduced ability to hear malfunctioning equipment, alarm signals or verbal warnings. including the risks of stroke and heart attack reduced immune response, and gastric ulcers. Prepared by Khen Samrith
Stress related symptoms include: irritability, headaches, moodiness and insomnia, and disturbance of psychomotor reactions. Exposure to both excessive or low levels of noise can result in: increased absenteeism reduced productivity due to fatigue and low concentration increased production costs reduced quality of work/product/service, and reduced ability to communicate, for example, difficulty in holding a telephone conversation. Prepared by Khen Samrith
When is Noise Too Loud? Noise is measured in units called “decibels” or “dB” If two people 3 feet apart must shout to be heard, the background noise is too loud (above 85 decibels). Noise above 140 decibels causes pain and immediate hearing loss. Prepared by Khen Samrith
Long Term Exposure to Noise Our ears can recover from short exposure to loud noise, but over time nerve damage will occur. The longer and louder the noise, the greater chance permanent damage will occur. There is really no such thing as “tough ears” or “getting used to it”. Prepared by Khen Samrith
The table below shows noise levels and how long a person can be exposed without hearing protection before there is damage to the ear. Noise Level Allowable Exposure Time ◦ 85 decibels 8 hours ◦ 90 decibels 4 hours ◦ 100 decibels 1 hour ◦ 105 decibels 30 minutes ◦ 110 decibels 15 minutes ◦ 115 decibels 0 minutes Prepared by Khen Samrith
Equipment Noise Level Back Hoe decibels Chain Saw 110 decibels Front-end Loader decibels Examples of Noisy Equipment Front 90 Gunshot 140 decibels Jackhammer 112 decibels Lawn Mower 90 decibels Tractor decibels Circular Saw decibels Prepared by Khen Samrith
Picture of a damaged sheep lung Healthy Damaged Prepared by Khen Samrith