Steve Holmes and Brendan Casey DPF Project X Forum August 10, 2011 Project X: A 5 MW Proton Accelerator Accelerator and Particle Physics
Project X Mission Elements A neutrino beam for long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments 2 MW proton source at GeV High intensity, low energy protons for kaon, muon, and neutrino based precision experiments Operations simultaneous with the neutrino program A path toward a muon source for possible future Neutrino Factory and/or a Muon Collider Requires ~4 MW at ~5-15 GeV Possible missions beyond EPP Standard Model Tests with nuclei and energy applications DPF Project X Forum, Aug. 10,
Project X Reference Design DPF Project X Forum, Aug. 10, GeV GeV GeV
Reference Design Capabilities 3 GeV CW superconducting H- linac with 1 mA average beam current. Flexible provision for variable beam structures to multiple users CW at time scales >1 sec, 10% DF at <1 sec Supports rare processes 3 GeV/3 MW Provision for 1 GeV extraction for nuclear energy program 3-8 GeV pulsed linac capable of delivering 350 kW at 8 GeV Supports neutrino 80 – 200 kW Establishes a path toward a muon based facility Upgrades to the Recycler and Main Injector to provide ≥ 2 MW to the neutrino production target at GeV. Utilization of a CW linac creates a facility that is unique in the world, with performance that cannot be matched in a synchrotron-based facility. DPF Project X Forum, Aug. 10,
Performance Goals DPF Project X Forum, Aug. 10, Linac Particle TypeH - Beam Kinetic Energy3.0GeV Average Beam Current1mA Linac pulse rateCW Beam Power3000kW Beam Power to 3 GeV program2870kW Pulsed Linac Particle TypeH - Beam Kinetic Energy8.0GeV Pulse rate10Hz Pulse Width4.4msec Cycles to MI6 Particles per cycle to MI2.6 Beam Power to 8 GeV350kW Upgraded Beam Power to 8 GeV4 MW Main Injector/Recycler Beam Kinetic Energy (maximum)120GeV Cycle time1.4sec Particles per cycle1.6 Beam Power at 120 GeV2200kW simultaneous
Siting DPF Project X Forum, Aug. 10, CW Linac 8 GeV Linac 3 GeV Experimental Area
Beam Configurations 3 GeV Operating Scenario 1 sec period at 3 GeV Muon pulses (16e7) MHz, 100 1MHz700 kW Kaon pulses (16e7) 20.3 MHz1540 kW Nuclear pulses (16e7) MHz770 kW Separation scheme Ion source and RFQ operate at 4.2 mA 75% of bunches are 2.5 MeV maintain 1 mA over 1 sec Transverse rf splitter 1 sec
Beam Configurations 3 GeV Operating Scenario 1 sec period at 3 GeV Muon pulses (16e7) MHz, 100 1MHz700 kW Kaon pulses (16e7) 20.3 MHz1540 kW Nuclear pulses (16e7) MHz770 kW Separation scheme Ion source and RFQ operate at 4.2 mA 75% of bunches are 2.5 MeV maintain 1 mA over 1 sec Transverse rf splitter
R&D Program The primary elements of the R&D program include: Development of a wide-band chopper Capable of removing bunches in arbitrary patterns at a MHz bunch rate Development of an H- injection system Require between 4.4 – 26 msec injection period, depending on pulsed linac operating scenario Superconducting rf development Includes six different cavity types at three different frequencies Emphasis is on Q0, rather than high gradient Typically 1.5E10, 15 MV/m (CW) 1.0E10, 25 MV/m (pulsed) Includes appropriate rf sources Includes development of partners Goal is to complete R&D phase by 2015 DPF Project X Forum, Aug. 10,
Status and Timeline Pre-conceptual design and R&D activities are well supported Reference Design Report released fall Substantial R&D efforts on sc accelerating structures linac front end and chopper rf sources H- injection Approval of CD-0 (“Mission Need”) under discussion with DOE Project X could be constructed over a five year period We could be ready to start construction in FY2016 DPF Project X Forum, Aug. 10,
Collaboration A multi-institutional collaboration has been established to execute the Project X RD&D Program. Organized as a “national project with international participation” Fermilab as lead laboratory International participation established via bi-lateral MOUs. Collaboration MOUs for the RD&D phase outlines basic goals, and the means of organizing and executing the work. Signatories: ANLORNL/SNSBARC/Mumbai BNLMSUIUAC/Delhi CornellTJNAFRRCAT/Indore FermilabSLAC VECC/Kolkata LBNLILC/ART R&D responsibilities aligned with expected assignments during the construction phase. DPF Project X Forum, Aug. 10,
Summary ( Project X is central to Fermilab’s strategy for development of the accelerator complex over the coming decade World leading programs in neutrinos and rare processes Potential platform for future Neutrino Factory/Muon Collider Potential applications beyond elementary particle physics The design concept has been stable for more than 18 months 5 MW total beam power 2 MW to the neutrino program at GeV 3 MW to the rare processes program 200 kW to 8 GeV program Flexible provision for variable beam formats to multiple users CW linac is unique for this application, and offers capabilities that would be hard/impossible to duplicate in a synchrotron R&D program underway targeting critical technologies and very significant investment in srf infrastructure and development Project X could be constructed over the period ~2016 – 2020 National project with international participation More from Bob Tschirhart today at 2:00 DPF Project X Forum, Aug. 10,
DPF Project X Forum, Aug. 10, N s
Project X Understand new TeV scale physics with the highest precision measurements 10 4 TeV sensitivity with muons and Kaons Ground breaking, game changing discoveries Charged lepton flavor violation Neutrino CP Violation Permanent electric dipole moments Core measurements Understand anomalies in neutrino physics Nuclear physics Understand how accelerators can tackle global problems Nuclear waste transmutation test facility DPF Project X Forum, Aug. 10, TeV 10 2 TeV 1 TeV GeV eV LHC KK EDMs
DPF Project X Forum, Aug. 10, birth childhood teenage maturity generations of physics around the world 2007: International steering group, workshops, P5 Optimizing the program Mature concept, international participation
Steve’s Project X slide DPF Project X Forum, Aug. 10,
My Project X slide DPF Project X Forum, Aug. 10, GeV Up to few hundred 8 GeV LBNE g-2, EDM Short baseline factory K+K+ K0K0 Rare isotopes, EDMs Nuclear energy and waste transmutation test facility 1 GeV available ~3 MW high duty 3 GeV N eN EDM e , eee + e e + Nearly all experiments at the same time!
DPF Project X Forum, Aug. 10, d s Project X Kaons
Kaon Program Goal: Study new TeV physics discovered at the LHC, particularly couplings and symmetries scale inaccessible to the LHC Probe flavor dynamics well above the the TeV scale Tools: Precision measurements of K and K Unique sensitivity due to small and well understood SM rate Why Project X: Only planned machine that can deliver order 1000 event samples in both modes at the SM branching fraction DPF Project X Forum, Aug. 10, Bryman, Marciano, Tschirhart, Yamanaka (2011)
DPF Project X Forum, Aug. 10, st 2 nd 3 rd generation at BNL = 7 event data sample Can get first few 100 starting with beam from Main Injector BNL E787 event display O(1000) evt sample possible at Project X
DPF Project X Forum, Aug. 10, Pico-bunches Pencil beam Pointing 200 events per year possible with Project X meets Very large hole in understanding TeV scale without this measurement
Other Kaon measurements DPF Project X Forum, Aug. 10, Enormous data sets + multipurpose detectors = lots of physics Plus many more
DPF Project X Forum, Aug. 10, N e Project X Muons N
Muon Program Goal: Discover charged lepton flavor violation Understand the underlying symmetry breaking mechanism Tools: Flavor conserving observables g-2 … Flavor violating observables N eN, e , eee, e e CP violating observables Electron and Muon EDMs Why Project X: Greatest flexability of any planned muon source Enough statistics to have a rich program beyond discovery DPF Project X Forum, Aug. 10, New set of operators:
Discovering Lepton Flavor Violation DPF Project X Forum, Aug. 10, N e p e m Theoretical advantage: unique sensitivity to several mechanisms of flavor violation Best chance for an unambiguous, background free discovery is the N eN process Experimental advantage: Monochromatic e above Michel endpoint From Marciano :
Discovering lepton flavor violation with Project X DPF Project X Forum, Aug. 10, Build on the lessons learned from Mu2e
Beyond Discovery DPF Project X Forum, Aug. 10, Once lepton flavor violation is discovered, Project X would allow a diverse, precision LFV program to disentangle underlying physics Conversion rate vrs target Z for N eN Vector current Scalar current dipole Ratio of e / N eN tan negative sign( ) positive sign( ) SUSY: B ( e × B ( eee Little Higgs: B ( e B ( eee F e + e
The muon challenge The physics case is established The community and funding agencies are interested and listening The statistics are there with Project X Biggest issues are large number of challenges to mounting these experiments Nothing set in stone New ideas more than welcome Unique flexibility at Project X to mount almost any type of experiment Rare opportunity to make an enormous difference even at the level of defining the experiment Gateway into the field is participation in g-2 and mu2e DPF Project X Forum, Aug. 10, “In the field of opportunity it’s plowing time again” -Neil Young
DPF Project X Forum, Aug. 10, s Project XEDMs
EDM program Goal Discover EDMs or set the most stringent constraints Tools The ideal atoms: Nuclear EDM: large octuple deformation Electron EDM: High Z alkali metals Why Project X The ideal atoms have short lifetimes The ISOL facility at Project X can produce greater than isotopes per second compared to ~10 8 /s in reactors DPF Project X Forum, Aug. 10, Protons Th Ra Rn Fr
Good atomic EDM candidates DPF Project X Forum, Aug. 10, Octupole deformed nucleus for nuclear EDMs 225 Ra 2 to 3 orders of magnitude enhancement compared to Hg Alkali metals with outer electron in S wave for electron EDMs 211 Fr Order of magnitude sensitivity compared to Cs ANL exp PRL 98, (2007) Dobaczewski, Engel PRL 94, (2005)
DPF Project X Forum, Aug. 10, e Project X Neutrinos e
Neutrino Program Goal: Discover new source of CP violation and new flavor symmetries Understand neutrinos to maximize their potential as a tool of science Precision physics through neutrino interferometry Tools: Large detectors Well defined initial state variable L/E Why Project X: 10 years with Project X = 30 years without Project X DPF Project X Forum, Aug. 10, Power (MW) Energy (GeV) Booster based Project X
spectrum e excess 13 and CPV Interferometry DPF Project X Forum, Aug. 10, deficit Precision 23 New ultra weak interaction Mass hierarchy e
Expanded 8 GeV program DPF Project X Forum, Aug. 10, Want high power, short baseline to cover this Want high stats at low E to cover 2 nd max (why we have WBB) Low energy storage ring for this Upgraded power at 8 GeV for high low E rate G. Mention A. Bross, NuFact’11 S
Punchline DPF Project X Forum, Aug. 10, To get from here to here is 10 years with Project X and 30 years without Project X Grateful acknowledgment to Sam Zeller for help with this section
DPF Project X Forum, Aug. 10, Project X Opportunities Physicsdetectors DAQ accelerators Discoveries, precision measurements, Large # of thesis topics Low mass tracking, ultra precise calorimetry, large area PMTs, LAr… compact front end, digitize everything, store everything… SCRF, cold and n, factories, colliders, ADS, transmutation…