Types of Land and it’s uses… YES! Land is useful!
Rangeland O Land used to graze livestock O Extensive, unforested lands that dominate the western half of the US O Wildlife habitat O Water O Mineral resources
Forestland O Used for harvesting: O Wood O Wildlife O Fish O Nuts O Other resources O Virgin O Native O Tree farms O Natural resources
Croplands/Farmlands O Land used to grow plants for food and fiber O Corn O Soybeans O Sugar cane O Oranges O Fruits & veggies
Parks & Preserves O Land used for recreation and enjoyment O Land is protected and its purpose is to serve as a habitat for O Native plant communities O Native animals O Natural ecosystems O US Wilderness Act of 1964
Wetlands, Deserts, Mountains O Land that is difficult to use for our human purpose O Examples: O Everglades in FL O Grand Canyon in Mid West O Death Valley in CA
So, what’s the point? O We live in Florida which is composed of mainly wetlands and surrounded by water O Wetlands are not made (by nature) to support growing population O More people means more homes…where does everyone go? O The population is growing by 120 million people per year! O This brings us to tomorrow’s topic – URBAN SPRAWL!
Urbanization O The movement of people from rural areas to cities O The rapid expansion of a city into the countryside around the city O Many cities were built with little room for expansion
Problems due to Urban Sprawl O Environmental O Air pollution O Excess water O Trapped heat O Transportation O Vehicle emissions O Land use planners O GIS O Technology
Infrastructure O All the things that society builds for public use O Examples: O Roads, Railroads O Sewers O Bridges, Canals O Fire and Police Station O Schools, Libraries, Hospitals O Water mains O Power lines
Here, watch this! O UVPRQ UVPRQ