Richard Feynman Born 5/11/1918 Far Rockaway NY Liked taking things apart Solved Puzzles Taught Calculus to himself BS in Physics from MIT
Worked on Manhattan Project after PhD from Princeton Von Neumann, Feynman, and Ulam at Los Alamos
Professor at Caltech after Cornell Taught Introductory Physics Classes Published the Feynman Lectures on Physics Nobel Prize in Physics for QED in 1965
Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) explains how light interacts with matter Feynman Diagrams are tools used to predict these interactions
Published best-selling book “Surely You’re Joking Mr. Feynman, Adventures of a Curious Character” in 1985 Stories from his days in college, the Manhattan Project and Caltech
His many other books are still in print
Feynman was a member of the Challenger Commission and uncovered the main reason for the explosion of the Space Shuttle during launch in 1986
Feynman died on 2/15/1988 of cancer This is how he left the blackboard at Caltech
Feynman died on 2/15/1988 of cancer This is how he left the blackboard at Caltech FEYNMAN LIVES
Resurrecting Feynman Toy Box, Blocks, and Dirty Water Triangle
Resurrecting Feynman “Cut Short” Pendulum Oscillating Mass
Resurrecting Feynman See Resurrecting Feynman handout for more details Bowling Ball Pendulum