March 3 Learning target: I can understand simple harmonic motion and demonstrate the mathematics of SHM. Question: Why might we study simple harmonic motion? Vocabulary: 1. SHM 2. Sinusoidal 3. Pendulum Painter Quick Notes Chapter 11-1 through 11-4 Card Partner example explanations New Partner problems Homework: pg problems 2, 5, 15, 23 and 29: You will turn this in on Wed—no exceptions
Example card partners Find your card partner, you will be assigned one example from the book, you and your partner will work together to solve the example and figure out a way to explain it to the class. This may require rereading the section of text leading to your example Each team will explain how to work this type of problem to the class. It is important that you explain in a loud clear voice and that each partner helps with the explanation. Other teams will listen and take notes so that they will be able to use these problems solve the partner problems and the homework.
Problem partner You will receive a new card partner You and your partner will receive one problem from the book to work together on. You will work on this together, you may check with me for the answer and solution once you have an answer You will then work this problem with the class, using good problem solving techniques (meaning you use list knowns, unknowns and units. Show all equations and show any substitutions used.
Quiz Answer “Misconception Questions” 1-5 on pg 321