Scrap-Project Adam Holbrook Brent Davis Dan Moser Tyler Rutherford
Overview of Structure Wood outer structure Car shooter Pulley system Car track Kinex pegs and trigger Wooden pendulum Car hammer Rotational motion wheel
Energy Transfer Elastic-shooter Kinetic-shot/projectile motion Kinetic/potential-pulley Gravitational potential-track
Energy Transfer Kinetic-car collides with wooden pendulum Rotational-wooden pendulum collides with trigger Torque-kinex trigger pulls pin out of car hammer Rotational-car hammer collides with wheel Rotational-wheel spins and panel collides with next project
Issues Consistency with shooter/pulley/everything Scraped a lot of ideas Difficulties with pulley system with friction Catcher size
Conclusions Ended up changing a lot of the original design to a more simpler, realistic design due to lack of time and consistency Took roughly twelve hours to complete Learned how to apply our physics knowledge to real world situations