Biome Research By Nora Johnson st period
Freshwater is located in Florida, the Amazon River, lakes in Russia, and the border of Nevada The climate is around 39 degrees Fahrenheit to 71 degrees Fahrenheit Soil is nutritious
PLANT Species : SPIKE RUSH, BULRUSH, PICKEREL, CATTAIL, WATER LILY, AND MAN GROVE LEAVES Animal species : manatees, frogs, and raccoons
The fertile soil keeps the plant life lively Freshwater keeps frogs safe from predators to help keep their life longer
The soil {abiotic} helps keep all plant life {biotic} The amount of rain fall {abiotic} can predict the water level allowing more life {biotic} there
Biodiversity is the variety of life {plants and animals} in an area or ecosystem
Biodiversity contributes to the sustainability of an ecosystem because the higher the population of a species more likely it can rebuild its population if there is deaths