1 Patricia J. Volland, MSW, MBA Director, Social Work Leadership Institute Senior Vice President of Administration and Finance New York Academy of Medicine CSWE APM – GeroEd Forum February 17, 2006 Making the case
2 Overview The case statement to promote and market your program Identify a problem Research to confirm problem, identify solutions Building and engaging support Examples from the Social Work Leadership Institute (SWLI)
3 Identify the problem Identify a problem: Accessing health and social services Engage support Complex systems of care Assistance needed navigating those systems of care Social work role in health / mental health systems Berkman and Volland, 2000
4 Confirm problem identification Research to confirm problem: Methods Literature review (social work literature) Review of course offerings ( ) at graduate schools of social work Focus groups (six in cities nationwide) Formed an advisory council and model development group for curriculum enhancement Berkman and Volland, 2000
5 Identify solutions Coordination of field practicum and classroom content Strengthened role of field instructors in discussions of course content and sequencing Support skill development at macro- and micro- levels in health and mental health Produce report Raise awareness Gather support Berkman and Volland, 2000
6 Building support Report becomes problem statement Solution: Create model Engage support Use lessons learned to perfect Make connections Link to national initiatives Solution to recruiting students to aging National demonstration to test
7 Demonstrating success Implement and evaluate PPP ( ) Articulate successful outcomes Recruitment and training of social work leaders in aging Employment of gerontological social workers Institutionalize aging-enriched field education in MSW programs Further dissemination of the aging-enriched field education model Improve services to elders
8 Develop strategies to sustain Concern: Recruitment successful but how to retain? Identify solutions: Public policy Build support: National Leadership Coalition (NLC) Gather the evidence
9 Gathering the evidence Describe supply and demand of social workers Articulate cost effectiveness of social work services Describe and promote effectiveness data to secure long-term funding
10 Build coalition for action Determine a strategic focus Workforce Image Policy Practice Research Education/Training Engage broader support
11 Build on the work of the NLC Secure support Articulate strategy Unified policy agenda Public policy monitoring system Evidence-based data system Communication strategy for advocacy Partner for strategic advantage
12 Recognizes social work as pivotal in the aging experience by Providing leadership Social work: Pivotal to care coordination Expanding constituent base Reading the environment Developing the strategy Public policy focus and action plan Utilize evidence as foundation for public policy initiative Raise awareness and create demand Take action
13 Ensuring success Identify policy implications for long term funding Education (student recruitment) Political environment (sustaining all disciplines) Workforce issues (worker retention) Relationships with funders: Continuous engagement with current and new prospects
14 Thank you Social Work Leadership Institute (SWLI) Sarah Sisco, MSSW, MPH Alissa Yarkony, MPH Ruth Finkelstein, PhD Jeannine Melly, MPH Peri Rosenfeld, PhD