Silvia C. Dorta-Duque de Reyes San Diego County Office of Education Module 4 CELDT – Dig In This module familiarizes teachers with CELDT and engages them in a step-by-step in depth analysis of the content of the assessment, and its relationship to the ELD and ELA standards. Instructional implications across language domains are explored. Silvia C. Dorta-Duque de Reyes San Diego County Office of Education
What do we already know about the CELDT? TABLE TALK WARM-UP! What do we already know about the CELDT? California English Language Development Test Choose a recorder - Brainstorm - Record Ideas ! Silvia Dorta Duque de Reyes SDCOE
Silvia Dorta Duque de Reyes SDCOE AGENDA CELDT: A Closer Look We will be examining CELDT items Brainstorming classroom implications 3. Sharing easy to implement strategies that will promote language acquisition and student achievement! Silvia Dorta Duque de Reyes SDCOE
Accountability System for English Learners in California Districts have a dual obligation to English Learners to: Provide access to grade level academic content instruction. 2. Develop students’ academic English Language proficiency. 5
Provide access to grade level academic content instruction External Accountability Source How Tested Unit of Accountability Accountability Measure Title I (NCLB) CST CAHSEE School and District API AYP 3 AMAOs NCLB Title I requires schools and districts to: 1. Evaluate EL student progress by measuring student overall achievement 2. Evaluate EL student progress by time in the program 3. Use data to improve programs 6
Develop students’ academic English language proficiency External Accountability Source How Tested Unit of Accountability Accountability Measure Title III (NCLB) CELDT District and Schools AMAOs Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives NCLB Title III requires states to: Establish English language proficiency standards Conduct an annual, standards-based assessment of English language proficiency Define annual measurable achievement objectives for increasing the percentage of EL’s progressing towards and attaining English proficiency Holds district accountable for meeting the AMAO’s 7
AMAO’s for English Learners Developing and Attaining English Language Proficiency AMAO #1 AMAO #2 AMAO #3 Annual increases in the number or percentage of English Learners making progress in learning English attaining English language proficiency by the end of each school year Meeting the academic achievement targets of English Learners proficient or above in English Language Arts and Mathematics One level per year Sustained and Even movement across all domains Academic Achievement as measured by the CST 8
California Assessment System for English Learners CST CELDT PURPOSE Why is this test given? POPULATION Who takes this test? ADMINISTRATION Who gives the test ? Under what conditions? ACCOUNTABILITY How are the results reported? What do the results show? Silvia Dorta Duque de Reyes SDCOE
CELDT Components by Domains Listening: Following oral directions Listening Comprehension – Teacher Talk Extended Listening Comprehension Rhyming SDCOE: SB 472- ELPD 10
CELDT Components by Domains Speaking: Oral Vocabulary Speech Functions Choose and Give Reasons Four Picture Narrative SDCOE: SB 472- ELPD 11
CELDT Components by Domains Reading Word Analysis Fluency and Vocabulary Reading Comprehension SDCOE: SB 472- ELPD 12
CELDT Components by Domain Writing Grammar and Structure Sentences Short Composition SDCOE: SB 472- ELPD 13
CELDT ANALYSIS ACTIVITY In grade level groups, we are going to be analyzing CELDT in order to discern: Cognitive Task Language Performance Task Academic Language Pre-requisite or assumed skills Instructional implications
Step by Step Process CELDT Release Question Dig-In Step 1: Note the Grade Level Step 2: Identify the ELA standard (domain, strand, sub-strand) Step 3: Identify the ELD Standard Step 4: Note the Overall Range of Student Performance Step 5: Examine the Test Item Step 6: Identify the Academic Language Step 7: Identify the Cognitive Task Step 8: Identify the Language Task Step 9: Identify Assumed or Pre-requisite Skills Step 10: What are the instructional implications? Step 11: How can primary language instruction help accelerate English language acquisition?
1 2 5 3 4 6, 7, 8 9
Taking it Back Quick-Write! Write down questions thoughts, ideas relating to this module. How relevant is this information to building capacity and increasing student achievement at your site? 3. Quick pair-share! How will your efforts be evidenced?