G. Carboni – Muon Meeting – April 2002 Muon Meeting LHC schedule is now official (Council Committee) First protons (Pilot run) delayed to (was Feb. 2006) At the moment no further details on “physics run” (was August 2006) Access to hall until that date but when pipe under vacuum detector cannot be opened (safety) No SPS in 2005 (only PS test beam) In this meeting we have to review and readjust our milestones (in particular the “official” ones) some of them have already been missed some others risk to be missed, however: perhaps we have been too optimistic with the one-year LHC delay they don’t make much sense today In readjusting we should be as accurate and conservative as possible, avoiding too frequent corrections The updated milestones will be presented to the referees at the next LHCC
G. Carboni – Muon Meeting – April Dec Engineering design completed CARIOCA+DIALOG chip design and test completed Muon Detector Major Milestones 2002 Jul-Oct Full chain electronics test 2002 Jul-Oct Full chain electronics test MWPC Detectors RPC DetectorsElectronics 2003 Oct 2003 Jan Start chamber construction 2004 Dec Chamber construction completed Electronics assembled and tested 2003 May Start chamber construction 2002 Jun SYNC chip design and test completed Start FE-board production 2003 Oct Muon filter inst Oct Muon filter inst Jun Support structure inst Jun Support structure inst Jul Start installation at CERN 2005 Aug Commissioning completed Start IMB, SB and ODE production Mar As presented with the TDR July Jul Moved to July Moved to Nov.
G. Carboni – Muon Meeting – April 2002 Present (official) milestones
G. Carboni – Muon Meeting – April 2002 Planning for 2002 as presented by Pierluigi in Dec MWPC construction EDR
G. Carboni – Muon Meeting – April 2002 Muon Electronics Project Schedule for 2002 (DONE) 25/1 Definition of IB detailed scheme (DONE) 20/2Choice on Low Voltage regulators 31/3definition of ODE board detailed scheme and components procurement 15/4DIALOG- submission 30/4F/E Low Voltage board prototype 30/6DIALOG- test completed 1/7IB prototype (2 boards + back-plane) 31/7ODE- board prototype: 96 or 192 inputs TTCRx TLK/GOL transmitter (according to availability) SYNC prototype (OTIS - Chip- - FPGA) SB- prototype:ELMB for I 2 C control (at least 4 channels) TTCRx + F/E pulsing system DIALOG F/E complete board ( version) CARIOCA F/E complete board ( version) 1/9Start of prototypes standalone tests and debugging 30/10DC- version 1/11Start of full chain tests. The full chain contains: 1 MWPC n F/E boards (CARIOCA, DIALOG, LV) 1 SB prototype 2 IB + back-plane 1 ODE 1 DC (added subsequently) December LHCb week Presentation of results (!)
G. Carboni – Muon Meeting – April 2002 PNPI14 planned for MarchLNF Final design FE/LNF Design in progress Status of V0.0 prototypes: testing from May (RPC), July (MWPC) CERN
G. Carboni – Muon Meeting – April 2002 One-year shift of the various completion dates is unavoidable: Dec > Dec It was suggested at last TB (HJ) to delay the start of installation not more than 6 months goal: terminate installation by end July 2006, then start commissioning plan installation in a way to minimize cost of hired manpower (cranes, cabling...) Fine-tuning according to parts of the detector (stations, regions) construction sites (institutes) “interference” during installation Should we have a fine-structure of milestones? different milestone on sub-detectors/regions? When? What do we mean (e.g.) by “10% production?”: need to clarify terms Finally, milestones should be reflected in financial planning Proposed framework for the milestones discussion We can access the detector until and (with restrictions) until
G. Carboni – Muon Meeting – April 2002 New proposed milestones
G. Carboni – Muon Meeting – April 2002 The TDR requests for rate and cluster size must of course be met We should anyhow feel free to review them critically: Plateau Efficiency – redundancy - number of gaps Additional parameters should be considered also. For example: 1.GIF test 2.Efficiency/plateau uniformity over the sensitive area How to proceed towards the choice for the inner part
G. Carboni – Muon Meeting – April 2002 Why GIF testing? Rates at GIF are most likely too small for rate tests of chambers for the inner regions of M1, however very meaningful aging studies can still be performed at GIF: For M1R1 the dose expected in LHCb is 90 kRad/y or 900 Gy/year (See Note by V. Talanov). Placing a detector at 50 cm from the source, the dose (ABS=1) is: Dose(Gy) = 11 T(days) 80 days provide 1-year LHCb equivalent meaningful test Complements the high-rate tests (PSI)
G. Carboni – Muon Meeting – April 2002 The proponents of the various solutions should address these items soon, with notes describing the subsystem as a whole and indicating the appropriate milestones of the project. The proposed approach Final aspects (last but not least) Simplicity of construction Standardization Cost