The Power of Power Point A look at creating presentations using Microsoft Office Power Point or Open Office Impress.
Choosing a Layout ● Lay outs help to organize your information in a clear organized template. – An organized presentation might have a different layout for every page, but they are chosen to correspond to the information
Choosing Theme ● Theme refers to the colors and patterns you might choose to create a presentation. – To change the background of the slide: ● Right click on slide and select slide, and then page setup. ● Then choose the background tab. ● From there you can choose different background designs and patterns for your slide. ● Once you have chosen a theme, you will be asked if you want to apply to all or just current slide. ● Normally, you might want to apply the same theme to all slides. However, sometimes you might want one slide to be different, so then you would select apply to current slide.
Adding Images and Graphics ● For most of my presentations I like to use pictures to help illustrate my topic. ● You can use your own photos, or images from online. If using online images, be sure to give credit to the website. Here is Snoopy during the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in NY.
Be Careful!! ● If you plan on working on this document on different computer systems, (from Linex to Microsoft, or Apple computers) be sure to save your new document under the file format.ppt – Microsoft Office doesn't work with Open Documents, therefore you need to select the correct file format.
It's amazing what you can do! Using Impress or Power Point can allow you to create organized and exciting presentations!