Heather Gilbert Zeke Asalia Jarvis Sean Swift
Provides a convenient environment for students by combining many of the student resource offices into one large building. Offices like Financial Aid Student information desk Cashier desks Academic Advising Thayne Center Dean’s office And much more! Services/ Resources Computer Access Printer Access Internet Access Food court Games Maps Quiet Studying And a lot more! Summery: This building’s architecture and conveniences make it to be a fantastic resource to us.
This office is located in the administration building, room 195 here on the Redwood Campus, the HTC building, room 164B on the Jordan campus, and room W-134 on the south city campus. This office can help with practically anything that deals with employment while in school. These services are only offered to alumni and current students They have free resume workshops to help fine tune that already great resume you have They can inform you of jobs that are willing to work around you’re class schedule. If you’re job coincides with you’re major, they can give you up to 3 credit hours for just working there They can help with internships, part-time, full time, and temporary job applications They may even find a job for you to do on campus They offer interview training and techniques to help you make a great first impression If you’re GPA is 3.0 and over, they have an FBI intern program in Washington, DC! Another place that can help you with you’re resume is the writing lab It’s a resource that we all should use, even if we don’t think we need it. Its free so why not?
Student Employment Office ResumesWorkshopsJob OpeningsInterview TipsInternshipsFBI Semester Work Credits 1 – 3 Credit hour
They’re Vision: We envision a world in which people's basic needs are met and in which the values of equality and social justice are realized. We believe institutions of higher education have a responsibility to cultivate an engaged citizenry. We are therefore dedicated to empowering our students and faculty to realize they have the knowledge and skills to affect positive change in their community. They’re mission: To establish capacity-building relationships with community organizations, facilitate service-learning development opportunities for faculty, and coordinate service leadership programs for students who are out to change the world In the Thayne center you practically do a lot of volunteer work. They offer some great leadership programs. You get to meet a lot of other students due to the out of class room activities. what's also so amazing is that some of the activities you do will help you wave your tuition fee. There are different types of programs and some will grant you honors position and special cords. They can also help you with your other classes. Thayne center is a great support group for students. They’re contact info: Taylorsville Redwood Campus Taylorsville Redwood Campus Student Center Room 020 Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday Phone: South City Campus
Alternative spring break: A national program where universities and colleges travel to different states, help their community, and learn about there destinations history. Requirements: 1. All interested students must first attend a mandatory orientation before submitting an application or paying their deposit. 2. Secure a spot in mid-November America reads: This program give students the opportunity to work with elementary students as a tutor and it can pay for the students tuition. Requirements : After filling your FAFSA, you must be awarded Federal work-study in order to apply to be an America Reads tutor. Civically engaged scholars: When you are involved with the Civically engaged scholars program you graduate with honors. They're mission is to receive formal education of social justice issues through designated service-learning courses. They put their education to work by serving in their community, establishing a lifelong commitment to volunteering and community engagement. Requirements: student can choose which ever is the easiest to apply 1. Civically Engaged Scholar tracks Civically Engaged Scholar tracks 2. Civically Engaged Scholar Application Form Civically Engaged Scholar Application Form 3. Civically Engaged Scholars Workshop and Training Schedule Civically Engaged Scholars Workshop and Training Schedule OrgSync Account Setup Instructions OrgSync Account Setup Instructions 5. OrgSync Logging Hours Instructions OrgSync Logging Hours Instructions Service learning: Involves critical reflective thinking, and partnerships with nonprofit organizations. It also incorporates some volunteer work. This program helps you with your professional development and structures great opportunities for you. Student leaders in civic engagement (SLICE): You are given structured training and guidance. You develop necessary leadership skills. This program gives you the tools to raise awareness, get others involved and be empowering. Theses students are definitely known as social leaders. Requirements: Apply early in spring semester for the next academic year.
They’re mission: The mission of Academic & Career Advising is to develop an interactive, informative, and supportive environment where all students can plan, explore, access resources, make decisions, and evaluate their academic and career goals. The academic advisors help students to transfer to a different class, find programs suitable to your wants and needs, and give students resources that are vital to for their success. I was always worried that I wouldn’t get the help that I needed or id be stuck in a program that I disliked. The advisors are always there to help. They are understanding and supportive no matter what task you give them. Contact them Jordan CampusJordan Campus: (801) South City CampusSouth City Campus: (801) Taylorsville Redwood CampusTaylorsville Redwood Campus: (801) u u
The slcc library is a great place to study; they allow students to check out books for free, and they give free computer access to slcc students. On the second floor of the library there is a quiet room for people studying alone and tables for group studies.
Next to the main entrance of the library there is food from the food court that is for sail. In the computer lab there are four printers that accept slcc one cards and three that require coins. There is also design lab with Photoshop and scanners.
Strait across the main desk there is the reference desk; they can help you with the online databases and your eportfolio’s. In the basement of the library there is the learning center, and four quiet rooms for group study.
The clubs and activities center is located in the student center on the second floor room 232. this is where you will find upcoming events in clubs and a list of clubs. You can also find a list of clubs online at the student page.
Health & Wellness Services is a student-centered, professional partner providing access to medical services, counseling, health promotion and massage utilizing integrated therapeutic approaches to care. They believe that learning and health are inter-dependent and their mission is to guide and empower students to achieve academic success and a lifelong pursuit of health. New patient visits NO CHARGE. Established patient visits $ Walk ins welcome… Appointments are preferred Services are for Students only FREE MASSAGE!!! Health and Wellness Center at Redwood Campus located in the lower level of the Student Center Hours:M,T,F- 8:00a.m.- 4:30p.m W - 10:00a.m.- 4:30p.m.
The SLCC Student Writing Center helps you improve as a writer and succeed as a student. We offer free, in-person and online writing advising for all SLCC students enrolled in any class. We also have a variety of writing resources for students and teachers, and sponsor workshops about writing and the teaching of writing. Walk ins welcome…Appointments preferred Planning for Your Session The best thing to be prepared for a tutorial is to think about what you want to get out of the session. Who am I writing to? What don't I understand about the assignment? What do I expect the advisor to help me with? How much time do I have to write/revise the piece of writing? What questions do I have about the assignment or what I have written? The assignment sheet your instructor gave you. Any drafts, notes, reading materials, etc. that relate directly to what you are writing. Online services available Student writing center at Redwood Campus located in the Administration Building on level 2 Room 218 Mon 930a-7p Tue 9a-7p Wed 930a-7p Thurs 8a-7p Fri 930a-2p
The financial aid office is located in the student center on the second floor. The financial aid office can help you fill out forms for tuition payment, loans, scholarships, grants, and to receive financial. They have computers that you can access for Fassa
They can help you fix common mistakes when you fill out your Fassa. The financial aid office can show you which grants you qualify for. Next to the line for the financial aid office there is a sign with all the forms they can help you with.
The Mission of the Disability Resource Center (DRC) is to foster student inclusion into the Salt Lake Community College through processes which are accurate and understandable and which support the personal, educational and social growth of students with respect, optimism and caring. This is accomplished by: Providing reasonable and appropriate and timely accommodations with the goal of insuring equal opportunity and access as required under the ADA. Supporting the Polices & Procedures and maintaining the academic standards of the College. Establishing ongoing partnerships with the student, administration, faculty and staff through a framework of mutual understanding and respect. Providing educational information and assistance to constituent groups and consumers. Proper documentation of a disability establishing a physical or mental impairment which limits a major life activity as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is required in order to receive services or accommodations. All authorizations for services must be reasonable in nature and are individually determined by a qualified advisor. Reasonable accommodations are based on an evaluation of the specific requests of the student, an evaluation of individual needs, a review of previous accommodations, the recommendations of outside professionals, course requirements, specific classroom situations, and instructor input. In order to receive accommodation under ADA, a student must apply for services through the DRC. Taylorsville Redwood Campus Student Center Room 244 Phone: