PRESENTATION History: Steering Committee Course Progressions and transition Secondary I and Credit Graduation Requirements Professional Development Q and A
HISTORY AND DISTRICT WIDE COLLABORATION Steering Committee (Administrators, counselors, math teachers, special education teachers) Information about Core implementation timeline and course progressions Middle school schedule adjustments Core analysis Algebra I CRT… (SBAC and testing) Resources Professional Development: Secondary I teachers collaborate, have common growth assessments, and share resources… cross district Information about graduation requirement and our opt-out form
COURSE PROGRESSIONS AND TRANSITION Mathematical Practice Standards Reasoning, explaining Engage in problem solving and thinking mathematically Mathematical Content Standards Function and modeling Statistics and Probability
SECONDARY I AND CREDIT Year of adjustment and transition Student transition and teacher transition Credit Recovery Algebra I Packets Secondary I after school Supplemental Course Future plans for Secondary I credit recovery
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Classes of mathematics credits Successful completion of a combination of the foundation or foundation honors courses Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2*, Secondary I, Secondary II, Secondary III* as determined in the student’s SEOP. After the school year, the 3.0 units of credit shall be met minimally through successful completion of Secondary I, Secondary II, Secondary III* If students opt out of Secondary III, their third credit can come from the AAF courses. Students who successfully completes a Calculus course has completed math graduation requirements. * Opt-out form
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Secondary I Secondary II Some together (connections between courses) Some separate (deepen content) Technology Textbook for Secondary I (content and pedagogy)