Bell Work Quickwrite: 3 minutes What are your expectations for this class?
Tucker Classroom Introduction
Rules All AHS rules will be enforced. Because of the rigorous nature of the AP curriculum, there is no tolerance for behavioral issues of any kind. Students are expected to maintain the dignity of the challenging nature of the class.
Cell Phones and Other Electronics The cell phone policy of AHS will be strictly enforced, so please make sure to turn off your phone and keep it put away. If I see it, I will take it up. If I hear it, I will take it up. If it is taken up, you will retrieve it from the attendance office at the end of the day. Other electronic devices such as Nooks, Kindles, or iPods, are not allowed.
Supplies Loose-leaf paper Pen –not red nor fluorescent Pencil Highlighters –Blue –Green –Yellow Flash drive Expo marker Sticky notes Page protectors 3 ring binder with dividers for English only –Notes –Assignments –Graded work
Homework With the AP curriculum, students must read and complete outside assignments in order to be prepared for class. Homework assignments are due when the teacher calls for them during class. Late homework will be accepted one day late with a 25% penalty. After that, it will not be accepted and will receive a zero. The AHS Homework Policy will be strictly enforced.
AHS Homework Policy No homework results in the following: 1 st – Warning 2 nd –Warning and parents are notified 3 rd – Detention 4 th – Detention 5 th – Detention 6 th – Office Referral
Textbooks You will be issued a literature book and/or an access code for an online version. When we are studying a novel, you will bring the novel with you every day. Most of the novels or dramas will be provided; however, you will need to procure a copy of some of the novels or dramas. Each nine weeks, you will be allowed one excuse. –The second time will result in an academic warning. –The third will result in detention.
Makeup Work As a high school student, it is now your sole responsibility to make up any missed assignment. If you are absent, check the “What Did I Miss?” binder before or after class or school for any missed assignments. All makeup work including tests and quizzes should be completed within three days of an excused absence. Tests and quizzes may not be made up during class; they may be made up before or after school or during Saturday school. However, if the student was present when the assignment was made or a test was scheduled, he or she should submit the assignment or be prepared to take the test upon his or her return.
Expectations This is a Pre-Advanced Placement course that is designed to be rigorous. Since AP 11 and AP 12 are college level courses, Pre-AP 10 is a senior level course. You will have to think, read, and write in this class. I will be ready to teach, and I expect you to be ready to learn. I expect us to have a great year.
Entering the Room Take care of all personal business before coming to class. Come prepared to learn. Enter quietly. Begin bell work immediately. Students must be in their seats when the tardy bell rings, or they will be counted tardy.
Bell Work Upon entering the room, immediately begin the bell work. Bell work is posted at the front of the room. 3 minutes are allowed for completion. Raise hand when you have finished so that I can check your work.
Leaving the Room I will dismiss one group at a time. Students must be in their desks. Each group’s area must be clean and orderly before students will be dismissed.
Trash Please place all trash on the corner of your desk. I will collect it as I go around the room. At the end of class, pick up all trash and dispose of it in the trash can or recycle bin upon leaving the room. You will not be dismissed until the room is clean.
Sharpening Pencils Sharpen your pencil before the bell rings. If during class your pencil needs to be sharpened, raise your hand. I will trade a sharpened pencil for yours. At the end of class, we will exchange back.
Raise Your Hand Do not do the following: –Scream across the room –Beat on the wall or desk –Snap fingers –Interrupt a conversation –Tell others to shut up –Raise your voice above others
Student Folders Each student will be given a folder. All work will be returned in the students’ folders.
Grading A total points system will be used. Each nine weeks’ average counts for 40% of the semester grade, and the semester exam counts for 20% of the final semester grade.
Keeping Track of Grades Each student is encouraged to create a grade sheet. By keeping a running average, students will always know their grades. Students should, also, regularly check iNOW.
Grade Sheet Mary Jane Smith1 st Nine Weeks DateAssignmentEarned Points Possible Points Total Earned Points Total Possible Points Current Grade 08/17/11Worksheet /17/11Vocabulary Homework
Class Web Site Please utilize the class web site. You must sign up for the class web site. It will be useful to you. Go to Click on “Teacher/Staff Directory.” Click on Kimberley Tucker.Kimberley Tucker.
Exit Slip –3 Things you learned about this class. –2 Things you still need to know. –1 Thing I should know about you.