Create Your Account Go to Select Log In Since you do not have an account yet, you will have to create one. Select “Sign Up for a Free Account” at the bottom of the page
Sign Up Before Getting a Device On the “Sign Up” Page you can create your account You have options: Sign up with Facebook Sign up with Google Sign up with your After you make a selection, click “Continue” The page will redirect you to your new Dashboard
Joining the Group: Step 1 In your dashboard, hover over “Community” and select “Activity Groups”
Joining the Group: Step 2 Here you can see the groups you already belong to, if any. This page also lists Popular Public Groups Click on “Search Public Groups” Type the group name your chiropractic office or your DC gave you in the “Search Bar” You can also search “NCCA STEP UP” and find your group manually
Join the Group: Group Search Example In this example I typed “North Carolina” in the search bar You will see all the results that have a similar name To join the group, simply click on the “plus” sign next to the group You can also click on the group’s name and join from there
Group Page Example This is an example of how your group page may look like: View the leaderboard Participate in discussions with other group members View all the members Invite members
Log Your Steps Without Fitbit Since you do not have a Fitbit device, you will have to log in your activity manually Nowadays, there are a lot of other devices that track your steps. Some of them are: Jawbone Up Jawbone Up Misfit Shine Misfit Shine Apple Watch/Google Watch(Android Wear) Apple WatchGoogle Watch(Android Wear) Various apps for your phone You can use one of them to track you activity and then going to your account and manually inputting the information
Manually Log An Activity Select “Log” on your Dashboard This will take you to the page where you can log Food, Activities, Weight and Sleep Select “Activities”
Manually Log An Activity In the “Activity” Tab you can view your steps, activity history and log activities Click a common activity, search for one or create your own by clicking the “Create” custom activity Your activity will now be visible and editable in the Logged Activates area. You can delete the activity by selecting the trash can icon.