DO NOW: Which nations will have the largest GDP in the year 2030? List the top 3 (in your opinion) How will they get there?
Activity: Long term economic growth In groups of 4, you will come up with a list of factors that are necessary for achieving long-term economic growth. You should have a MINIMUM of 5 factors (preferably closer to 10). You will use this as a report card to grade the current progress of the United States in achieving long-term economic growth. Each factor may have a different weighting if you prefer. Each group must create one report card with detailed explanations of each of the factors used to determine the grade.
Pick a nation other than the USA (any nation you desire and are somewhat familiar with) Grade the other nation using the same criteria that you used to grade the United States.
Presentations Each group must give a brief 2 minute presentation explaining the criteria they chose to grade progress towards long-term economic growth, and the relative performance of the USA and the other nation that they choose using their criteria.