Chapter 4
“Second Generation” growth models The role of human capital in economic growth Determinants of technological progress Externalities and growth Measuring Technological Progress: Total Factor Productivity (TFP)
Basic models of growth assume that production takes place through the use of physical capital and unskilled labor human capital By investing in education and training, the labor force acquires a set of skills over time. This is the idea of human capital. Physical capital can then be complemented by human capital (skilled labor) in the process of output creation.
Suppose households have two forms of savings: Physical capital (buying shares, stocks, bonds, etc) Investing in education (to acquire skills) Households decide on the composition of savings between physical and human capital
Production takes place via the use of the stocks of physical capital (k) and human capital (h): Households invest a fraction s of output to physical capital and a fraction q to human capital:
The rate of growth of physical and human capital can be expressed as:
In the long-run, both human and physical capital must grow at the same rate (balanced growth). Then, we get The long-run balanced growth rate for the economy is then given by
constant returns There may be diminishing returns to physical and human capital individually, but when combined, there could be constant returns to the two reproducible factors of production This makes per-capita output grow in a sustained fashion in the long-run endogenous This growth is endogenous, since it is determined from within the model (by household choices)
Countries that have similar savings and technological parameters can grow at the same rate in the long-run, but there may not be any convergence in their per-capita incomes Weaker form of convergence: even similar countries can have different levels of per-capita income in the long-run
This model helps explain why rates of return on physical capital may not be high in poor countries Poor countries have a shortage of skilled labor, which drags down the return to physical capital
Barro (1991) tested for conditional convergence using school enrolment data (primary and secondary levels) as a proxy for human capital. His main findings were: There is evidence for conditional convergence after controlling for human capital ▪ Poor countries do grow faster once human capital is accounted for ▪ Countries with more human capital grow faster once per-capita income is controlled for
Technical progress is not exogenous as in the Solow model, but an outcome of human behavior: R&D expenditures by firms Investment in higher education (research at universities) Government investment in Science & Technology “Learning by doing”
Technical progress can be of two types: Deliberate: new Deliberate: conscious diversion of current resources to the production of new consumption and investment goods ▪ Benefits are internalized by innovator Diffusion: Diffusion: transfer of knowledge across firms or countries ▪ “outsiders” can profit from new technology ▪ Create foundation for future innovations and research ▪ Benefits accrue through “externalities”
Externalities refer to the unintended consequences of actions and decisions taken by individuals, firms, or the government These consequences can be Positive Positive (knowledge creation, government provision of public goods like highways and ports, etc) and enhance productivity of a larger group of economic agents, or Negative Negative (pollution or highway congestion), and hurt overall productivity. complementarities Positive externalities are also sometimes referred to as complementarities: when the actions of one agent prompt others to take similar actions.
Consider an economy with many firms, each equipped with a production function: where, E(t) denotes the overall level of productivity Assume that E(t) is a positive externality generated by capital accumulation by all firms in the economy Let
Then, the production function for each firm is given by How does this externality affect capital accumulation decisions by firms? An individual firm, being a small player, takes the average stock of capital as exogenously given The firm then underestimates the true(social) return to capital private return is less than social return underinvests Each firm underinvests in capital sub-optimal Economic growth is sub-optimal
Underinvestment by firms provides a rationale for government intervention social plannerinternalize To see this, consider the presence of a social planner, who can internalize all externalities The planner is not concerned with productivity of an individual firm, but with overall (or average) productivity
The planner therefore sets in the production function The planner’s (social) production function is The planner sets social return on capital to its private return Ensures optimal investment in capital Generates the “first-best” or “Pareto Optimal” growth rate for the economy
Therefore, the existence of externalities provide a rationale for government intervention in the growth process Subsidize the accumulation of capital to increase the growth rate Note also that production exhibits increasing returns at the level of society, even though there are diminishing returns for individual firms Per-capita economic growth tends to accelerate over time in the presence of externalities This view was proposed by Romer (1990)
How should we measure technical progress? Consider the production function in functional form: Totally differentiate both sides, assuming E is constant: The above can be expressed as:
This leads to where,
The growth rate of output should be explained by the sum of the growth rates of capital and labor, weighted by their income shares does not equal If we insert actual data and the right-hand side does not equal the left-hand side, what can we infer? Our assumption of a constant level of productivity, E, was wrong
If, then it must be the case that the difference between the LHS and RHS represents the growth of porductivity total factor productivity (TFP) Then, we can define total factor productivity (TFP) growth as residual TFP growth is thus calculated as a residual
To correctly estimate TFP growth we must Control for all changes in factors of production ▪ Labor force participation, rural-urban migration, sectoral shifts, changes in education, etc Assume that all factors are paid their marginal products ▪ If industries are not competitive, then we cannot measure TFP growth