Changing Landscape of Special Education Changing Roles/Expectations of Educational Leaders Greater Focus on process, outcomes and accountability Changing focus and expectations of leaders/educators Greater emphasis on data and assessment that drives instructional decision-making
Emphasis on: Leadership Responsibilities Data-Based Decision Making Measures of Student Progress Supports and Resources
Explicit instructional strategies/interventions Explicit Systematic and coordinated instructional sequences Systematic Sequence Ample practice opportunities: So students can master and over-learn and integrate Ample Practice Scaffolded instruction and cumulative review: Building upon review and an accumulation of skills Scaffolded Aligned student materials: Weaving skills together so students can apply and generalize Aligned Effective Instruction for meeting student needs include:
Learner CurriculumInstruction Environment
The Illinois State Response to Intervention (RtI) Plan January 1, 2008 Illinois Definition of RtI
RtI: the Essentials for Everybody to Ensure Success for ALL Learners
How will RtI help my child? RtI is built on the premise that there needs to be a multi-tiered school system of supports … there needs to be quality instruction and intervention delivered to all students in the classroom, as well as in small groups and individually
Provides an evaluation of the core & targets students who need additional support Screening Helps to pinpoint skill areas for remediation Diagnostic Allows us to know if what we are doing is working Progress Monitoring Allows another way to evaluate the core and if what we are doing is working for all students. Outcomes
General Education Environment Curriculum Specialized Level of intensity Instruction Opportunities to respond Need for reteaching Environmental Conditions Size of group Extra time Instructional Need
Discrepancy Tells us how unique the student is compared to peers. Educational Progress Tells us what accelerates learning. Instructional Need Tells us what and how to teach. Entitlement Decision Tells us whether or not interventions require special education. Entitlement Decision-Making Process (*adapted from Iowa Dept. of Ed, 2005; FSDS, 2006)
Definition of Eligibility and Entitlement Eligibility refers to one of the 13 federal disability categories described in IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) under which a student may qualify for special education services, based upon the completion of the evaluation process and determination of the identified disability Entitlement is a terms generally used in conjunction with a student’s right to the provision of special education services based upon the determination that the student qualified for special education services under IDEA.
Changing focus on Entitlement Entitlement decisions are a continuation of the problem solving process, not the goal of it. Entitlement decisions are considered when additional resources are needed to sustain or improve the intervention(s) being provided in order to assure a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). It focuses on knowing how to make a student more successful – determine the plan that warrants additional resources or level of intensity of supports.
Provides an evaluation of the core & targets students who need additional support Screening Helps to pinpoint skill areas for remediation Diagnostic Allows us to know if what we are doing is working Progress Monitoring Allows another way to evaluate the core and if what we are doing is working for all students. Outcomes
Not DisabledDisabled Does Not Need SDI Needs SDI* General Education Student General Education With or Without 504 Accommodations Slower Learners Gifted and Talented Limited English WBFWR** Special Education Entitled Individuals * Specially Designed Instruction * * WBFWR = Way Behind For Whatever Reason Assessment is About Decision-making … What Decision are we Making?
Embed Expectations Interview Process-Induction/Job Expectations – Data-Based DecisionsProfessional Development/CoachingObservations – Instruction/IntegrityEvaluation – Student Progress, Goal Alignment, SIP plans
“This time, like all other times, is a very good one, if we know what to do with it.” Emerson