DO NOW Get your homework out and place it at the front of your desk With your table partner, complete your DO NOW You have 4 minutes
HACER AHORA: Sección 1: Warm up Write out the days of the week in Spanish below (start on Monday) ____________ ____________ ________________ ____________ ______________ _____________ _____________ ¿Qué hora es? (answer) _________________________________________________ Translate to English: Son las qunice___:____ Son las nueve ___:____ What season is it right now (in Spanish)? ______________________________ Write down one question in Spanish:_____________________________________
LA AGENDA: SWBAT Identify activity verbs Respond to the question ¿Qué te gusta hacer? Use the verb gustar Review past concepts
mirar la televisión
hablar por teléfono
escuchar la música
jugar deportes
jugar videojuegos
mandar textos
EVERYBODY WILL PLAY THIS GAME AND TRY TO WIN Señorita Sloan will say “Simon Dice” + one of our new verbs, and you will complete the action associated with that command. If Señorita Sloan just says the verb without saying simon Dice, you Don’t do it The last person standing wins a homework pass
Qué te gusta hacer Me gusta (verbo) Me gusta nadar.
VAMOS A PRACTICAR You will walk around class asking people ¿QuÉ te gusta hacer? When you are asked, respond with one of our verbs. Write down the names of people you talk to who like each of the items below. You must speak Spanish. You have three minutes.).
ANSWER IN ENGLISH 1.Where does Alejandro live now? 2.What does Alejandro like to do all the time? 3.What does he like to do in the Spring? 4.What does he like to do in the winter? 5.Where does he like to draw? 6.What is the last question that Alejandro asks? 7.Whose music does Alejandro especially like?
PRACTICA INDEPENDIENTE Silently and Independently complete the Independent Practice You have three minutes If you finish early, you may silently and independently begin your homework