Preparation of the body Intermediate 1/2 & Higher Physical Education
Lesson Objectives Homework feedback Where are we to date Principles of Training Applying Progressive Overload Vocab Wall Issue homework for Monday 16 th (click here to view)(click here to view)
Homework feedback
Homework codes used in PE Excellent of the standard expected Satisfactory, some key content / information missing Unsatisfactory, not of the level required - REDO
Homework feedback Generallybut an extremely high number of very disappointing. the quality of responses did not match level of course presentation, particularly those from Higher pupils. Some improvements required Use clear paragraphs. Using paragraphs will help you ensure you access all the marks available. Commonly missed out content Question 1:Explanation why each of the steps you took to complete the time related observation schedule were appropriate. Question 2:Description of both standardised test. Full explanation of the benefits of standardised tests, particularly using them to create training programme.
Where are we to date..
Cycle of Analysis General Data Specific Data Development Needs Training Programme Interim test ? ? ?
Task Using the flip chart paper, work with your shoulder partner to complete the table below. One of you should describe how you gathered data. The other should explain why each step was appropriate. How you gathered initial data Introduction – data gathering within activity Describe video recording process i.e. video/90mins/teams similar ability Describe time related observation schedule – movements/comment box How was time related observation schedule completed – 5 minute intervals What did the data gathered suggest Why appropriate Why gather within the activity Why competitive game Why similar ability Why 90 minute game Why walk/jog/mid-pace run/sprint Why comment box Why 5 minute intervals Why ticks Why did you reach this conclusion
Task Using the flip chart paper, work with your shoulder partner to complete the table below. One of you should describe how you gathered data. The other should explain why each step was appropriate. How you gathered specific data Introduction – data gathering outwith activity Describe the first standardised test Describe the second standardised test What did you do with the data you collected Why appropriate Why gather outwith the activity Why use a specific test Why was the first test appropriate Why was the second test appropriate Why did you compare to national averages Why did you use the data to set the initial intensity of training programme
Task Using the flip chart paper, work with your shoulder partner to complete each of the sections below. Phase of the season What phase of the season is your training taking place in What is the aim of this phase of the season Method of training Define your chosen method of training What are the benefits of this method of training Creating training programme How did you use the principles of training to create your training programme
Task Using the flip chart paper, work with your shoulder partner to complete each of the sections below. Phase of the season What phase of the season is your training taking place in What is the aim of this phase of the season Method of training Define your chosen method of training What are the benefits of this method of training Describe your training programme How often do you train, why is this appropriate On what days do you train and why Describe weeks 1 & 2 of your training programme Frequency Duration Rest Duration Intensity
Task Using the flip chart paper, work with your shoulder partner to complete each of the sections below. Interim testing Why carry out interim testing Undertaking tests Describe the test you used Data gathered What did you do with the data you gathered
Principles of Training
Task 1 In your class jotter name and write a brief explanation for each of the principles of training Clue = 5
Task Copy the paragraph below and complete the table Progressive Overload Progressive overload relates to increasing the difficulty of your training programme as your performance improves. Its vitally important to ensure that you increase the difficulty of your training programme to ensure it remains specific to your improving fitness levels. Progressive Overload How could you overload? Appropriate at this stage Frequency(days a week) Frequency(number of runs) Duration(rest interval) Duration(length of run) Intensity(difficulty of work)
Homework Due – Tuesday 17 th September Q.Explain in detail how you gathered data on your performance. Structure Name activity How did you gather general data in this activity - why was each step appropriate What did general data suggest was weakness How did you gather specific data outwith the activity - why was each step appropriate What did you use the specific test results to do Q.From gathering data on your performance you will have identified a weakness. Explain the method of training you are currently using to improve this weakness. Structure Name the aspect of fitness which is a weakness Name the method of training you use Give a definition for the method of training Benefits of method of training Describe your training session – what do you do Q.Explain how you have monitored your training programme to date. Structure Name method of training Explain training diary – keep test scores – record of training – record of how you felt at end of session Fartlek only – Explain pulse count – why check it and when do you check Interim testing – What test did you complete, why did you complete it, what did you do with the data