ASCA PBMS Implementation Is your agency ready to participate in PBMS? Let’s look at the issues.
ASCA PBMS Implementation: Issues 1. Commitment 2. Organizational Buy-In 3. Change in Measurement 4. Organization of Project 5. Allocation of Resources
ASCA PBMS Implementation: Issues 5. Training 6. Start-up Approaches 7. Quality Control 8. Time Considerations 9. Cost Considerations
ASCA PBMS Implementation: Commitment Issue #1: What is the degree of top management’s commitment to adopt and implement ASCA’s PBMS?
ASCA PBMS Implementation: Organizational Buy-In Issue #2: What, if any, are the implementation roles of the various staff that must buy-in to the PBMS to ensure a successful implementation? How difficult will it be to achieve that buy-in?
ASCA PBMS Implementation: Organizational Buy-In Directors Wardens Records Policy MIS Health Operations Programs Research
ASCA PBMS Implementation: Change in Measurement Issue # 3: Guess the percentage of PBMS measures and indicators that will require policy development or modification? Will you have to maintain dual/multiple measures of performance in order to satisfy legislative requirements?
ASCA PBMS Implementation: Organization of Project Issue #4: How will you organize the project? Centralize Decentralize Combination of both?
ASCA PBMS Implementation: Allocation of Resources Issue #5: How will you arrange staff time for the project? For examples……..
ASCA PBMS Implementation: Resources Supervisory time MIS Programming time Research time Data retrieval time Data entry/upload time Etc.
ASCA PBMS Implementation: Training Issue #6: 1. What types of staff, in addition to PBMS staff, will be required to receive training on producing and maintaining PBMS data? 2. Will training be tailored to the types of staff involved in PBMS?
ASCA PBMS Implementation: Start-Up Approaches Issue #7: a. What start-up approach will you use? the “big bang?” (All data at once) Phased data entry? Other? b. How much change in data definitions and methods of input is acceptable/ reasonable at start-up?
ASCA PBMS Implementation: Quality Control Issue #8: What is a reasonable plan for controlling the quality of the data and maintaining regular uploading?
ASCA PBMS Implementation: Time Considerations Issue #9: How long will it take 1) to develop or modify policy 2) to program MIS 3) to train all affected staff What is a realistic “guesstimate” of the “start up” date?
ASCA PBMS Implementation: Costs Issue #10: A. Do you foresee considerable costs to implement the project? B. How do such costs fit into your timeframe for start up? C. Who will make the decisions related to costs?
ASCA PBMS Implementation: Discussion Tomorrow Think about these implementation issues and jot down your answers and questions on the homework sheets provided. We will be eliciting and discussing your thoughts tomorrow morning.