Welcome to Mrs. Lynch’s 9H English Class! Please sign the attendance sheet on the clipboard next to the door. Contact Info.: Our class website: * is the preferred form of contact. (805) ext. 4205
A little bit about myself…
Teacherweb Students and parents have access to assignments, power points presentations, handouts, and announcements via my class webpage. The page may be accessed through the WHS website. *Students are often asked to print handouts from home. All of these handouts are available on the class website.
What is Honors English? This is an accelerated class designed to challenge students and help them reach their fullest potential in reading and writing. We will focus our attention on enhancing reading comprehension skills, vocabulary development, writing strategies, and speaking skills throughout the year in order to help them prepare for the SAT, ACT, SBAC, CAHSEE, as well as future English courses in high school and beyond. The purpose of an Honors class is to encourage and enable high achieving students to realize their full potential through a program of enriched study, discussion, and research. critical thinkers and problem solvers This is an accelerated class designed to challenge students and help them reach their fullest potential in reading and writing. We will focus our attention on enhancing reading comprehension skills, vocabulary development, writing strategies, and speaking skills throughout the year in order to help them prepare for the SAT, ACT, SBAC, CAHSEE, as well as future English courses in high school and beyond. The purpose of an Honors class is to encourage and enable high achieving students to realize their full potential through a program of enriched study, discussion, and research. critical thinkers and problem solvers
What do we do in 9H English class? Literary Analysis* Essay writing* Novels Short Stories Poetry Non-Fiction Public Speaking Grammar Vocabulary
Here’s a glance at some of our core curriculum…
Course Expectations: Come to class prepared and willing to participate and engage in classroom activities and discussions. Be an active and assertive learner: challenge yourself; be willing to ask questions and investigate curiosities. Do the assigned work on-time and with academic honesty and effort. Be a problem solver. Always ask questions and seek help when the student needs clarity. Office Hours: Tues. and Thurs. at lunch or by appointment
A look at our class policies Homework: Homework is typically assigned Monday through Thursday, with weekends reserved for long term assignments, projects, and outside reading. *Any class work not finished in class needs to be completed for homework. Homework needs to be done and turned in on the due date unless there is a legitimate emergency and/or other arrangements have been made prior to the due date between the student and myself. Homework is accepted one day late for half credit, unless designated NO LATE WORK.
A look at our class policies Absences: Students have 2 class days from the day they get back to turn in any missing homework from excused absences. Students have one week to make-up quizzes, tests, or in class essays. Students are held responsible for finding out what they missed by checking with a classmate, checking the TeacherWeb homework page, or sending a homework request by .
GRADES Grades will be based on the accumulation of class assignments, homework, tests, essays, quizzes, and participation. I typically update grades on Q-Connect (Zangle) each Friday. Grading Scale: A=100-90% B=89-80% C=79-70% D=69-60%
Turnitin.com Turnitin protects students’ original work from being used without citation by another person, and serves as a learning tool to help instructors and students better identify and correct unintentional plagiarism. * All out-of-class essays will need to be submitted to turnitin.com or the paper will not be graded per English department policy. Turnitin protects students’ original work from being used without citation by another person, and serves as a learning tool to help instructors and students better identify and correct unintentional plagiarism. * All out-of-class essays will need to be submitted to turnitin.com or the paper will not be graded per English department policy.
Some suggestions on how you can help your child succeed this year! Ask your children questions about things that are happening in English class. Check the class website. Remind them to seek help when needed. Encourage your child to be a problem solver and responsible for him or herself. Encourage them to get some sleep.
Donations are much needed and always welcome: -tissues -hand sanitizer -wipes Contact Info.: Our class website: * is the preferred form of contact. (805) ext. 4205