一分の日本語 Does your partner know these phrases in Japanese? _______wa nihongo de nan to iimasu ka. ______to iimasu. I don’t understand. I have a question. I forgot. I lost it.
ウオームアップ (Warm-Up) 11月15日(火) ローマじ (Romaji) で かいてください。 1.なに 2. ねこ 3. いぬ 4.その 5.おねがい
今日 の 課題 1.shukudai 2.Hiragana rebyuu 3.L2-2 Tango 4.L2-3 Tango Standard: Settings 1.0 ESLR: Connected to the World ユニット の もくひょう Unit Objective Students will be able to introduce themselves. きょう の もくひょう Daily Objective Given an object in Japanese, students will be able to identify it by pointing to a picture of it. しゅくだい Homework L2-3 FC
1.ta i ko2. tsu ku e3. a to de 4. chi i sa i5. do ko6. tsu gi 7. te i ka8. ku da sa i 9. chi ka te tsu10. to o ka
a.kikoemasen b.miemasen c.wakarimasen d.wasuremashita e.nakushimashita 1.I don’t understand. 2. I lost it. 3. I can’t hear. 4. I forgot. 5. I can’t see.
How do you say _____ in Japanese? ________ wa nihongo de nan to iimasu ka. You say _________. _______ to iimasu.
How do you say thank you in Japanese Thank you wa nihongo de nan to iimasu ka. You say arigatou gozaimasu. arigatou gozaimasu to iimasu.
How do you say hi in Japanese hi wa nihongo de nan to iimasu ka. You say konnichiwa. konnichiwa to iimasu.
How do you say I forgot in Japanese I forgot wa nihongo de nan to iimasu ka. You say wasuremashita. wasuremashita to iimasu.
How do you say I have a question in Japanese I have a question wa nihongo de nan to iimasu ka. You say shitsumon ga arimasu. shitsumon ga arimasu to iimasu.
Erin-san Reflection What do you find interesting about Japanese homes or family life? If you visited Japan, what kind of food would you like to introduce to your Japanese family?
Person 1 Exchange Student (Emily/Jose) morning feeling sleepy hot day Person 2 Japanese classmate (Sugita) morning feeling fine hot day
Person 1 Exchange Student (Emily/Jose) night feeling tired cold day Person 2 Japanese elderly neighbor (Tanaka) night feeling sick cold day
Person 1 Exchange Student (Emily/Jose) afternoon feeling sick cloudy day Person 2 Japanese classmate (Kuroiwa) afternoon feeling fine cloudy day
Is it…? ~desu ka. Yes, it is. hai, sou desu. No, it isn’t. iie, sou dewa arimasen.
Kore: This (near me) Sore: That (near you) Are: That (over there)
Kore/sore/are wa _________desu. This/That/That over there is ___________. Kore/sore/are wa nan desu ka. What is this/that/that over there?
denwa bangou wa nan desu ka. denwa bangou = phone number wa = particle that marks the subject/topic nan / nani = what desu = is ka = particle that marks a question
denwa bangou wa nan desu ka. denwa bangou wa ____no____desu. sumimasen. mou ichido onegaishimasu. sumimasen. yukkuri onegaishimasu. chotto matte kudasai.
kyou no tenki wa dou desu ka. How is the weather today? atsui desu ne. It’s hot!
kyou no tenki wa dou desu ka. How is the weather today? samui desu ne. It’s cold!
kyou no tenki wa dou desu ka. How is the weather today? suzushii desu ne. It’s cool!
kyou no tenki wa dou desu ka. How is the weather today? mushi atsui desu ne. It’s hot and humid!
kyou no tenki wa dou desu ka. How is the weather today? ii tenki desu ne. The weather is nice!
kyou no tenki wa dou desu ka. How is the weather today? ame desu ne. It’s raining!
kyou no tenki wa dou desu ka. How is the weather today? kumori desu ne. It’s cloudy!
kyou no tenki wa dou desu ka. atsui desu ne. sou desu ne.
kyou no tenki wa dou desu ka. mushi atsui desu ne. sou desu ne.
kyou no tenki wa dou desu ka. ame desu ne. sou desu ne.
kyou no tenki wa dou desu ka. samui desu ne. sou desu ne.
kyou no tenki wa dou desu ka. atsui desu ne. sou desu ne.
kyou no tenki wa dou desu ka. suzushii desu ne. sou desu ne.
kyou no tenki wa dou desu ka. kumori desu ne. sou desu ne.
kyou no tenki wa dou desu ka. How is the weather today? jp/13/4410.html
toukyou no tenki wa dou desu ka. How is Tokyo’s weather? toukyou no tenki wa _____desu.
(0) genki desu ka. hai, genki desu.
(0) genki desu ka. (iie), guai ga warui desu.
(0) genki desu ka. nemui desu.
(0) genki desu ka. tsu ka re te imasu.
(0) genki desu ka. hai, genki desu. iie, guai ga warui desu. nemui desu. tsukarete imasu. ______wa _______desu/imasu.
Exit Ticket Kore wa gi desu ka. ぎ
Exit Ticket Write in Hiragana without looking at your chart. 1.Ojigi 2.Shiso 3.Seizee 4.Zou 5.asoko
You see your teacher in the morning. ohayou gozaimasu.
Your friend says good bye to you. What do you reply? jaa ne.
Your teacher gives you a pencil. What do you say? arigatou gozaimasu.
Your teacher asks a question but you need her to say it again. mou ichido onegaishimasu.
You see a friend at night. Konbanwa.
Your friend thanks you for doing them a favor. What do you reply? dou itashi mashite.
You ask a friend how they are. genki desu ka.
Your friend asks you for your phone number. denwa bangou wa ___no___no___desu.
You need someone to speak more slowly. yukkuri onegaishimasu.
Exit Ticket Write in Romaji. 1. こうじ 2. さすが 3. ぞう 4. さいご
What’s your name? Onamae wa? I am ______. Watashi wa _____ desu. One moment, please. chotto matte kudasai. Thank you. arigatou gozaimasu You’re welcome. Dou itashi mashite.
kazu = かず = numbers first word is always jyuu or juu second word is always the second number Example: 17 jyuu shichi Example: 19 jyuu kyuu Example: 14 jyuu yon
kazu = かず = numbers 20, 30, 40… first word is always the number second word is always jyuu Example: 40 yon jyuu Example: 70 nana jyuu Example: 90 kyuu jyuu
jyuu ichi
hachi jyuu
jyuu kyuu
jyuu san
ni jyuu
kyuu jyuu
jyuu go
kazu = かず = numbers first word is always the first number second word is always jyuu third word is always the last number Example: 24 ni jyuu yon Example: 77 nana jyuu nana Example: 49 yon jyuu kyuu
san jyuu kyuu
go jyuu hachi
yon jyuu nana
ni jyuu ichi
san jyuu
roku jyuu ni
jyuu ichi
Ichiro Suzuki wa __________desu.
Hideki Matsui wa ________desu.
Hideo Nomo wa _______desu.
Hidetoshi Nakata wa _______desu.
Kazu Miura wa _______desu.
Exit Ticket Write in Hiragana without looking at a chart. 1.akiko 2.egao 3.ike 4.kegu
What’s your name? I am ______. Sorry. Once more please. Thank you. You’re welcome. How are you? I’m fine.
1 ichi 2 ni 3 san 4 shi 5 go
6 roku 7 shichi 8 hachi 9 kyuu 10 jyuu
Jikoshoukai self-introduction Use to introduce yourself to a person or people you’ve never met before. Used for formal situations. Hello. Konnichiwa/ohayou gozaimasu/konbanwa How do you do? (bow) Hajimemashite. I am _____. Watashi wa _____desu. It’s nice to meet you. (bow) Douzu yoroshiku onegaishimasu.
Jikoshoukai self-introduction Watashi was sutefanii desu. Douzo yoroshiku onegaishimasu. Hajimemashite.
With the person sitting next to you, fill out this chart in English or Spanish with as many words as you can think of. To a friendTo a teacher Ways to say hello Ways to say good bye Ways to say thank you
Good Morning Good Afternoon Good Evening Good Bye To a friend, someone same age, familiar To a teacher, an elder, unfamiliar
Ohayou Ohayou gozaimasu
Ohayou gozaimasu Ohayou
Good Morning ohayou gozaimasu Good Afternoon Good Evening Good Bye To a friend, someone same age, familiar To a teacher, an elder, unfamilair
Good Morning ohayou gozaimasu Good Afternoon konnichiwa Good Evening Good Bye To a friend, someone same age, familiar To a teacher, an elder, unfamilair
Good Morning ohayou gozaimasu Good Afternoon konnichiwa Good Evening konbanwa Good Bye To a friend, someone same age, familiar To a teacher, an elder, unfamilair
jyaa ne sayounara
jyaa ne
sayounara jyaa ne
Good Morning ohayou gozaimasu Good Afternoon konnichiwa Good Evening konbanwa Good Bye jyaa neSayounara To a friend, someone same age, familiar To a teacher, an elder, unfamilair
ohayou gozaimasu
jyaa ne
ohayou gozaimasu ohayou
Hiragana Flashcards Purpose: to use to study and quiz yourself on things you need to memorize Side 1: Romaji Side 2: Hiragana
How to use Hiragana Flashcards 1.Mix up the order of the cards 2.Look at the Hiragana Side 3.Read the cards. 4.Make two piles: I know pile and I’m not sure pile 5.Read the cards again in the I’m not sure pile until you know them. 6.Randomize all cards again and look at the Hiragana side. 7.This time, write the letters in Romaji making two piles again and repeating until you know. 8.Randomize all cards again and prepare a paper and pencil. 9.Look at the Romaji side and write the letters in Hiragana using the correct stroke order and making the two piles until you know them 10.REPEAT REPEAT REPEAT—30 MIN EACH DAY
Egujitto chiketto (Exit Ticket) Write the letters below in Romaji. 1. ご 2. か 3. ぐ 4. き 5. げ
Where is _______? _____ wa doko desu ka. Where is Shikoku? Shikoku wa doko desu ka. Where is Honshu? Honshu wa doko desu ka. Where is Hokkaido? Hokkaido wa doko desu ka.
日本 = nihon = Japan Hokkaidou Honshuu Kyuushuu Shikoku Okinawa Toukyou Oosaka Kyouto Nagoya
Baindaa = Binder Warm-Up Notes Classwork Quiz Homework
Thank you Arigatou gozaimasu ありがとう ございます You’re Welcome Dou itashi mashi te どういたしまして