fakebook Harry S. Truman has decided to drop the atomic bomb on Japan. WallInfoPhotosIssueHarry S. TrumanLogout View photos of Harry Truman (5) Send Harry a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosIssue Write something… Share Information Networks: Washington D.C. Birthday: May 08, 1884 Political: Democrat Religion: Christian Hometown: Lamar, MO Friends LBJJackWinston Bess Douglas Harry S. Truman: After much thought I have decided that using the bomb is the right thing to do. It will save the lives of many American soldiers. August 5, 1945 Robert Douglas MacArthur to Truman: Mr. President, use it!! August 1, 1945 Harry S. Truman: I cannot believe the savagery of the Japanese soldier. They will fight to the death. July 23, 1945 Winston Churchill to Truman: It was great seeing you in Potsdam old chap, here’s to a calm and peaceful future in Europe!! July 18, 1945 Harry Truman: On my way to Potsdam, really don’t trust that Soviet leader Stalin. July 15, 1945 Harry Truman : A President cannot always be popular when making difficult decisions April 17, 1945
Personal Information fakebook Harry S. Truman has decided to drop the atomic bomb on Japan. WallInfoPhotosIssueHarry S. TrumanLogout View photos of Harry Truman (5) Send Harry a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosIssue Basic Information Information Networks: Washington D.C. Birthday: May 08, 1884 Political: Democrat Religion: Christian Hometown: Independence MO Photos Networks: Washington DC Sex: Male Birthday: May 08, 1884 Hometown: Independence MO Relationship Status: Married to Bess Wallace Political Views: Democrat Religious Views: Christian Activities: Commanding the Army, keeping an eye on communism promoting civil rights. Interests: Playing the piano, reading history books, going for walks. Favorite Music: Duke Ellington, Glenn Miller, Benny Goodman. Favorite Movies: The Great Dictator, My Little Chickadee, Grapes of Wrath. The Maltese Falcon. Favorite TV Shows: The Ed Sullivan Show, The Frank Sinatra Show. Favorite Books: The Lottery, The Young Lions, Black Boy. The Family Updated last Tuesday 2 Albums White House Updated two months ago Contact Information Address: 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC Phone Number: (202)
fakebook WallPhotos IssueHarry S. TrumanLogout WallInfoPhotosIssue Photos of Truman 8 Photos Truman’s Albums 3 Photos Alums The Family 5 photos The White House 5 photos Profile Pictures 1 photo Harry S. Truman has decided to drop the atomic bomb on Japan.
fakebook WallInfoPhotosIssueHarry S. TrumanLogout WallInfoPhotosIssue Here the student will write a short essay on the issue and the Historical character Harry S. Truman has decided to drop the atomic bomb on Japan. On August 6, 1945, President Truman made a decision that will forever impact the human race. His decision was to use an atomic weapon on a civilian population. On August 6 th the U.S. dropped “Little Boy” on the city of Hiroshima and on August 9 th they dropped “Fat Man” on the city of Nagasaki. The explosion and the fallout that ensued caused an estimated 120,000 Japanese casualties. President Truman struggled for weeks trying to make up his mind of whether or not to unleash this powerful weapon. He finally arrived at his decision when he weighed the cost of an estimated 200,000 American lives that would be lost if an invasion of mainland Japan took place versus the loss of over 100,000 of the enemy. After the devastation brought forth from the two atomic bombs Japan surrendered to the United States on board the U.S.S. Missouri by order of Emperor Hirohito. Americans referred to it as VJ- Day, or victory in Japan Day. American occupation of Japan followed under the command of Supreme Allied commander Douglas MacArthur. Japan and the United States formally reached a peace settlement with the Treaty of San Francisco on April 28, The use of the atomic bomb on a civilian population and the surrender of Japan were important because it left only two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, both of which held the atomic bomb in the arsenal. A Cold War developed between these two countries that would last for over forty years. During this time an arms race ensued between the two superpowers, which led to a sharp increase in defense spending as well as the widespread panic and fear of a nuclear Armageddon. Source: