What is One Recovery? A brand new commissioned service combining the talents of the previous services including Addaction, ADS, clinical services and Adsis; providing free advice & information, assessment, structured clinical and psychosocial support to those affected by their own or someone else’s substance misuse. Across Staffordshire, outside of Stoke-on-Trent, with the emphasis very much on recovery.
Movements in mortality Deaths per million of population
Long term risks Liver cirrhosis and other forms of alcohol-related liver disease Hypertension and stroke Cancers of the mouth, larynx, pharynx and oesophagus Other cancers, including breast cancer Foetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) and foetal alcohol effects Mental illness....isolation Alcohol Dependence Syndrome
Immediate risks Murder/manslaughter Suicide, self harm Violence, domestic and assault Sexual assault Unprotected sex Fires/burns Drowning Pneumonia and hypothermia Arrest Reputation Accidents/misadventure in general
Calculating Units ABV% (alcohol by volume) x MLS = ? ? divided by 1000 = units … easy eh e.g. 5.2% x 568ml = = i.e. 3 units
Whatever the percentage that’s how many units there are in 1 litre 1000mls 100cl
Whatever the percentage that’s how many units there are in 1 litre or 1000mls or 100cl 40% = 40 units/litre 12% = 12 units/litre 7.5% = 7.5 units/litre 4% = 4 units/litre
Alcohol Consumption Levels HIGHER RISK : regularly drinking more than… Female 6 units per day / 35 units per week Male 8 units per day / 50 units per week INCREASING RISK : regularly drinking more than… Female units per day / 15 – 34 units per week Male units per day / 22 – 49 units per week LOWER RISK / LESS RISKY : drinking no more than… Female units per day / 14 units per week Male units per day / 21 units per week In most circumstances there is a low risk of causing future harm to themselves, they probably don’t need to take any action, but continue to be aware of what they drink A person may experience tiredness, depression / low mood, weight gain, memory loss when drinking and sexual difficulties. Drinking at this level increases the risk of damaging health, such as increased risk of high blood pressure and liver damage There is a much higher risk of damaging health and it is likely that damage has already been caused although the person may not be aware of it yet
Cycle of change Contemplation: Individual is considering change Decision/Preparation: Individual makes plans to implement change Active change: Individual implements changes; tries out new behaviours Maintenance: Individual maintains new behaviour Lapse: An isolated slip up – individual returns to Maintenance stage Relapse: Individual returns to pre-change behaviour Pre-contemplation: Individual not considering change Change adopted: This becomes the normal mode Adapted from Prochaska and Di Clemente’s cycle of change model
Recovery Hubs. Centres of Excellence for: learningIntegratingDevelopingRecovering Independent LivingHealthy CookingIT Suites Diversion ActivitiesSkills CoursesSports Literacy/NumeracyWomens GroupsGROW
The four principles Express empathy Develop discrepancy Roll with resistance (avoid argumentation) Support self efficacy The client is the expert on them and it is their journey
Alcohol Dependence… The World Health Organisation defined alcohol dependent individuals as: “those exhibiting a range of behaviours including the strong desire to drink alcohol to the point that it takes precedence over all other behaviours, persistence to drink despite negative consequences, and physical withdrawal symptoms.” reference : drinkaware.co.uk
What are the signs? Anxiety Generalized hyperactivity ( restless/ agitated) Fast heartbeat ( tachycardia) Sweating ( often profuse) Nausea/retching ( abdominal pain) Tremor Ataxia (Effect on the balance, speech, co-ordination) Confusion Ask for medical intervention
Referral Pathway??? Cannock Park House Fax Park House, 12 Park Road Cannock WS11 1JN Whatever the issue, drugs or alcohol.... Tamworth Albert House Fax Albert house Albert Road Tamworth B79 7JS
Wheels/ leaflets and poster relating to alcohol Frank (drugs/alcohol website) Misuse-Services/Default/General-Information.aspx