Summary Report Project Name: Infoway Testing Environment Brief Project Description: Develop testing harness to allow for conformance testing of the applications and the solution that leverage HL7 v3 messaging. Key product components include following: –User configuration –Test case configuration –Test scenario upload –Test Information Access Layer (TIAL) - intercept messages, performs marshalling / un- marshalling message mapping and routing –Core engine with MBT validator –Logging and Reporting capabilities
Summary Report - cont. Project Name: Infoway Testing Environment Major milestones to date: –Funding secured (June 2010) –Development started (December 2010) –Test cases and test data prepared (Mar 2011) –End to end testing performed during (April 2011) –Product announcement (June 2011) –Extended features developed for Canada Health Infoway Certification Service (March 2012) –Pass through feature developed and tested – integration with existing jurisdictional testing facilities and advanced routing of test messages based on configuration (July 2012) Projected milestones: –Working with eHealth Ontario to integrate new TE features developed to meet eHO requirements - enhanced user interface allowing for creation of test suites, enhanced test case configuration (March 2012) –Campaign underway to stand up jurisdictional testing environment instances (Sept 2013) Major release dates: April 2013 Contribution date Contribution value ~ 1 person year (3-4 developers over 3 months)
Infoway Testing Environment March 2013 Content New user / vendor configuration Enhanced test case configuration capabilities – creation of test case suites, sharing of test scenarios among multiple users, ability to stop and resume testing by multiple users Enhanced Reporting feature – ability to see intermediate results Use of ESB (Mule) to support common entry point for TE and integration with MBT components Enhanced configuration interface(s) – User and Test suite Finalize integration of the new eHealth Ontario code with baseline Initiate communication with jurisdictional stakeholders and find areas where testing environment may be used for conformance testing (EMR integration) TES v 2.0 Plan to have Testing Environment deployed in at least two Canadian jurisdictions by the end of 2013 Future funding and product continuity depends on the tool uptake in next 2 quarters. Readiness of jurisdictional representatives and potential clients to develop business case for use of the platform. Pending product governance and development coordination. Added Deleted & Changed Milestones Packaging Editions Dependencies Pressures Statistics.
12 Month Rolling Plan Major Dates and Deliverables 4Q12 3Q12 1Q13 2Q13 Develop governance model for future platform development and maintenance Consolidate code base with new development from eHealth Ontario Live customers in at least 2 provinces Initiate conversation with potential customers in Canadian jurisdictions 3Q13